MULLZA: how can there possibly be a tour champion already
MULLZA: is there going to be an explanation as to why there already is a tour champion??
Probably not brother, that they/he can do that, it really just shows what a friggin' joke these new levels are and probably just a lead in to 75 dollar drivers and 100 dollar clubs to compete at TC levels.
Take a look at poldimaier, back to back vuso champ...still a TL, how about dansamcam, over 3 million in won credits, many major tourney wins and still a TL and I'm sure you can find many more examples.... yet a 61 avg. who had won nothing that I know of... TC. Again what a crock.
And ya I get it, he works for WGT, to me that's even worse, for it shows that they don't hold their staff to the same standards that they hold all of us to. Really, what has he done to show his play is at TC level?