ct690911: Oh Oh...if you leave, he may turn his sights on the CC I belong to...
Not to worry ct. You're good. Unless you advertise your CC as a very low red tee CC with only a handful. I'll check for it. :-) I detest false advertising as I'm sure most do.
Many years ago we were in the market for a new car for the wife. On Sunday morning there's huge ads in the paper for new cars. 8AM I see an ad saying this dealer has 112 new Ford Explorers in stock. The wife's choice! We go, and drive the 10 miles to the dealer.
We're walking around the dealer's front lot looking for an Explorer. None to be found. A salesman comes out, "May I help you folks?" "Yep, looking for an Explorer, your ad today says you have over a hundred!" And I show him the ad. "Sure" he says "I'll go find out where they're hiding, be right back.". He comes back..."Manager says they're all in the back lot. Follow me"
The three of us traipse all over the acres and acres of back lot. "Interested in an Escort wagon?" "Nope, Explorer." "We got 'em, just gotta find 'em" "Minivans are good for a family" "Nope, an Explorer" "Don't worry, we'll find 'em." After 30 minutes of this run around and none found I say, "I'm done here, let's go see the manager".
Showed the ad to the manager and he says. "We sold 'em all. More coming in on the truck tomorrow." I say, "Right, its 10am and you sold 'em all this morning! Tell Tex (the owner) that's Bullshite!!" And we walked out.
Bought an Explorer at a reputable Ford dealer and filed a complaint with the BBB. As a result I talked to several people from the dealer. Never an admission of being wrong, "We had 'em, the salesman took you to the wrong lot" different person said "Oh, the ad agency ran next week's ad." etc. one contradiction after the other. An unsatisfied BBB false advertising complaint. That ain't no bull!
This is the most obnoxious car dealer you'd ever want to meet. Ads on TV all the time braggin' on his company. "We treat everyone like you'd treat your momma" "Our people are the best, we love 'em all" blah blah blah.