We in Great Britain have a saying,I don't suppose we are unique;
If you can read and write-Thank a teacher
If you can read and write in English-Thank a Soldier
In the Military,we do not seek thanks from every living soul.We merely go about our duties and tasks in good heart,in the hope that what we do will one day bring peace and fulfilment to everyone,not just our "own side".
In the particular arenas of involvement we are currently engaged in,our humanitarian element expend resources for the benefit of all in the horrible circumstances we all find ourselves in,including the treatment of "enemy" wounded,civilians found to be in harms way,and our own casualties alike.
The men and women deployed to the far flung provinces of the world are willing and able to make sacrifices above and beyond their duty in order that tommorow,or one day soon,they will be able to return home and quietly reflect that their small actions have finally made the world we live in,a better place for all.They do this not out of choice,or the hope of some great reward,but because they truly believe that they are the last resort in a deteriorating situation,that without their intervention might well have had an outcome so much more awful than the one they have had a hand in.
I do not suppose for one minute that everyone will see my remarks in the same light that I do,however,I do know that in some small way I will have left at least MY mark,in a way that my heart dictated I should.I joined a line a long way from home,so that those who chose not to do so,could go about their own business without let or hindrance. Yes.I am saddened that those very people choose to use their freedom to denigrate freely,but that is their choice,because they still do have a choice.A choice that perhaps,someone else paid for with their life.Willingly.For them.
Personally I would hesitate to make judgements and form conclusions about something of which I had no experience,without first having talked with someone who had...
The face was only small,little fists about her doll
Dusty ragged garment,hard to guess was frock or shawl
Surprise at first then glee,as in my arms I swept her
Across the pitted path,her smile a perfect picture
My tears I felt were dry,across my cheek was dust
A body small and tiny,yet smother her I must
Perceptive knowing eyes,far older than the pupil
So much she must have seen,harrowed awful years full
Open mouthed in wonder,my Kevlar vestment hot,
I wondered then,would ere that doll see her baby cot
And all the time around us,sparks and richochet
Scratches on my rifle,as slow it slipped away
All my training nought and null
As to my breast this girl I hasty pull
we lie thus like together,and in my arms she cried
Over head the bullets,mostly from her side
Those who callous sent her,doll in hand our way,
They watched and aimed right at her,as we entered this sad affray
Huddled safe to me,my back with plates to save us
This was when I felt it,and my ears began to buzz
Hardened lump of metal,tied so tight around,
This grenade between us,to her stomach bound
My retch did not disturb,nor deter the gunmen near
They say they do not even,see the need of fear
Moments turn to eons,I am deaf and cannot see
All my heart has left now,leaving empty me
Still smiling eyes,they burn,she looks up to mine
I wish there was a pit,into which we both could climb
Innocence betrayed,though she knows nought of this
At eight or even nine,what for her this traitor kiss
I mumble as I reach,inside that ragged smock
My native tongue abandoned to eerie careless shock
And touching glove to metal,I twist so deadly slow
Hoping that my prayer,will make this horror go
Words do not describe,that which happened then
Save to say this human bomb,will never walk again
Did you ever see,a poor girl lose her leg?
If you were the one who held,to whom would you rending beg?
And would her blood ever wash from you,
Who still can walk with two?
So tell me now,and help me soothe my nights,
From armchair soft and plush,while others fight your fights,
So tell me now you heroes,who to blame for this
And as you do,you should know,I daily send her humble kiss
It can never fix,nor even hope to help her hobble,
But for all of that,for what was all my trouble?
I wonder often,was it Fathers gift,or siblings precious present,
That sent her out to us,in circumstance less than pleasant
And though one day my breath will give a final gasp,
No hurt could more be felt,than for that innocent lass
Now my days I spend,in hopes of something better,
Once in every while,I read of her in private letters
Our bond that day was forged,and now we two are one
These the hopes that now,I pin my life upon.
I'm Just sayin'.