Just keep trying them. A word of advice about the surveys - LIE. They don't want to know about you or the truth, they want answers they're looking for. A bit like the questionaires you have to fill in when applying for a supermarket job (in the UK). In the surveys I have been a 28-year-old female who works in beauty, a 34-year-old man with wife and 2 kids (one must be 11, other 12 to qualify for surveys), I've never done any surveys before, and I work in advertising (I think). And I watch movies at the cinema, sometimes 2-5 times per year, but more often 6-12 times per year. And yes, my 11-year-old can come to answer questions about cinema films at 2am! just be imaginitive, then remember what works and forget what doesn't!
They do work, but not if you tell the truth! Makes you wonder why they do it.