Getting to Champ level is indeed an achievement , well done.
For some though, it is more a measure of how many times you play , rather than how good you are and as has been said, red tee warriors are playing alongside guys like fmagnets, which simply makes the status 'champion' pretty meaningless.
The top players are still the top players, probably more than 50% of them still TL's.
It would be good if they made the next tier a pure ability based level, maybe needing to win a VT or big tourney at champ level,, or something along those lines for people to strive for.
I also note that the VT for champs only pays out top 5. I think this is a mistake given the range of abilities being moved up to champ tier, once the best TL's move up to champ level also, 80% of the field will not have much chance of winning $ so the contest , which is a good one , will lose a lot of its appeal / players I think.