alanti:Focus Boost Icon above the swing meter. Can this be disabled as I do not want to see it, nor would I use it
As you can guess loads of threads on it. They kindly introduced it halfway through the VUSO qualifiers. Grubby bit of trash, but talk to the easier than the New Ideas department. Yes you can disable it in display.
alanti:Camera Angles - different and can now hit from the reverse angle - is there a point in the angles? It certainly does not help, especially on the greens
Not sure what the point was.......seems do no harm though (well disregarding memory leaks etc which seem to come about the same time??)
alanti:Averages/New Tiers - no issues as I do not give a toss about averages, but a 3 hot increase after first round....perhaps one for Alosso lol
Threads a plenty...The new tier is plastic badge and the one above by invite only as it stands, and invites may start happening in 3-6 months.
alanti:Green Dots - are slower than a while back - is this now the norm?
Interesting you say that. For me the green dots are back to perfect, no more quick quick slow slow quick stuff that we had for a few months. If they are now slower than once that's fine as very useable for me, and most I think now. Dots you can count on as v consistent I would say - an overdue but excellent fix.
alanti:New Sounds - I have the sound off but more gimmicks and no improvements - great use of programmers time....NOT
Old soon, and also off here.
alanti:In general seems to have the same untold multi player issues - and I played my first CC tournament....well tried, I WD after finding the "brush" on Merion just off the next 2 shots went 10 yards or so....both LOST BALL. Whilst I am getting older, I am not blind....seriously WGT 10 yards and cannot find a ball.......fricken know how to keep customers happy.......greedy bastiges
Multiplayer issues continue to plague the site. It should be reliable but it is not often enough. Single play though is overridingly back to being an excellent experience IMO.