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To whom it may concern

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Thu, Sep 3 2015 4:44 PM (9 replies)
  • jaspermike
    3 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2015 10:49 AM

    I'll try and make this is as short as possible. About 4.5 years ago I came across this game (WGT) on the internet. Pulled it up, starting playing, and after a while I was hooked. Good game play, great graphics and after a few weeks I came across some strangers that have become great friends. Probably about 2 years ago, things started to change. I started to experience a lot of meter issues, game disconnections and overall just not very good game play. So, I emailed WGT and asked what was the issue, low and behold they copy and paste a 1 page essay on how my computer is the issue and here are the steps to improve my game play. After trying their method (several times) no such luck. To speed things up, lets fast forward to today. Terrible meter, several disconnects, error messages, and after almost an hour we complete our ALT match. WGT, can you please just get back to the basics of the game. Give me a smooth game, good graphics, occasionally new balls and new avatars and stop telling the consumer/customer that it's our computers fault that your game is now garbage. Your game updates are terrible and usually unnecessary and it usually messes up the game even worse. I couldn't putt in reverse and I lost my putting grid on my last match. JUST FIX THE GAME ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2015 12:55 PM

    "Your game updates are terrible and usually unnecessary and it usually messes up the game even worse."

    .....I would have used "always" instead of "usually"...other than that,  very well penned and spot on, Mike.  Now, let's hold our collective breath that they actually listen.....:)


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2015 6:20 PM

    They aren't. In the 8+ years I've been here they've made it blatantly clear that they don't care about the customers and they aren't willing to consider anything the customers have to say or suggest.

    They believe (and so far they've survived by) the philosophy that driving customers away and failing to take care of the customer is not a concern because there are still a few billion people on this planet that haven't tried this game yet and those customers will simply replace those who leave.

    This company continues to use the most hated company in the USA, Comcast, as its role model.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Sep 2 2015 11:12 PM

    They aren't. In the 8+ years I've been here they've made it blatantly clear that they don't care about the customers and they aren't willing to consider anything the customers have to say or suggest.

    They believe (and so far they've survived by) the philosophy that driving customers away and failing to take care of the customer is not a concern because there are still a few billion people on this planet that haven't tried this game yet and those customers will simply replace those who leave.

    Hear, hear!

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2015 7:50 AM


    They aren't. In the 8+ years I've been here they've made it blatantly clear that they don't care about the customers and they aren't willing to consider anything the customers have to say or suggest.

    They believe (and so far they've survived by) the philosophy that driving customers away and failing to take care of the customer is not a concern because there are still a few billion people on this planet that haven't tried this game yet and those customers will simply replace those who leave.

    Hear, hear!


  • Therockdoctor
    232 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2015 9:06 AM

    problem is games still growing in numbers and people like me agree with the above statements but then go buy the new stuff in the pro shop new balls weekly.


    no reason to do anything they are making a killing which imo would be even more if they had kept those who left due to the unreliable game play.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2015 9:35 AM

    Correct. Customers who continue to purchase while at the same time complaining about WGT contribute heavily to WGT's indifference to them.

    I used to do surveys and credits, helping WGT earn money from advertisers. Most of my credits earned went to gifting equipment to others. That stopped a year ago this month and the few credits still in my account were earned over a year ago. I will no longer support WGT in that way. They are just fine without my $25-30 a month of support as plenty of others won't follow suit and quit supporting them financially.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2015 10:20 AM

    +1   on all comments here.  The day  another  Golf game  like this  one, will be made by another group(I am sure also that it will be a better one)  ........   WGT   will not be indifferent  anymore  but it will be to late........  and that day  will come  that I am sure  ........     And I,  like many  good long time members  will say to WGT   no more frustration for us,  no more   spending $$$    on a indifferent  WGT.    

  • Stryder1261
    931 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2015 10:24 AM

    Agree Totally with everyone here !!!

  • thestevster
    546 Posts
    Thu, Sep 3 2015 4:44 PM

    lets face it this game is becoming a chore to play now disconnects quitters so many bugs still in the game game is getting boring, spend more time hanging around than playing the game..

    and as usual not a word off wgt to say there sorry..

    i use to love this game once..
