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At least give us a practice range

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Sat, Sep 12 2015 8:03 PM (4 replies)
  • thewind1956
    2 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 7:29 PM

    After playing WGT for awhile, I realize that as with most everything today, the name of the game is making money.  I find paying to use golf balls the most frustrating - especially when they change the meter speed which you then have to get used to.  New clubs will do the same.

    A driving range where hitting balls is *completely free* would actually be a humane addition to this very expensive game.  I'm about $50 in and playing at pro and level 30.  I've been able to hit one drive 300 yards and that was downwind and downhill.  I can shoot about at par which is fine for me - I like this - but it's just from the second easiest tees.

    I could use some time on the driving range - and putting green -to improve my game a little and try out new equipment.  This doesn't exist.  I don't anticipate sinking any more $$$ in to this black hole of a game except I know I'm going to run out of golf balls in a while.  Not all of us can afford it.

    Btw - The wind directions are bizarre.  Sometimes I play courses where about 14 of the holes are into the wind - which is completely unrealistic.




  • TryPants
    251 Posts
    Thu, Sep 10 2015 3:26 AM

    I like this idea.

    However.. on the note of being free?

    I wouldn't mind paying a little bit, in terms of credits.. for purchasing a bucket of balls to hit. Similar to that of actual driving ranges.

    Small (3050 balls) - 20 credits

    Medium (50-80 balls) - 40 credits

    Large (80-150 balls) - 60 credits

    The varying sizes of buckets to accommodate time available and willing to put in at the range. As well as.. allowing for the player to go through their woods and/or irons, both.. or.. just practice with one set of clubs..

  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Thu, Sep 10 2015 8:26 AM

    A driving range where hitting balls is *completely free* would actually be a humane addition to this very expensive game.


    Trying not to literally PMSL.  It will never happen.  Heck, even a driving range for credits will never happen.  Just try the search box and look for driving range, believe me, you are not the first to think of it.


    Instead, load up a practice round and utilize the mulligan feature,  for only the low cost of ball hits on your current ball. 

  • TryPants
    251 Posts
    Thu, Sep 10 2015 9:40 AM

    Ok, thanks for weighing in hpurey.

    Speaking for myself.. got a tad lazy on searching out prior discussions.

    That said..

    Appreciate the alternate suggestion.

  • thewind1956
    2 Posts
    Sat, Sep 12 2015 8:03 PM

    A "50% off" visit to the driving range would be nice.  The problem with the practice rounds is you don't get the repetition to work over and over with a single club to get the timing and feel down.  Same thing with a putter from various distances.  I don't like burning up my golf balls on practice rounds - plus a lot of times I'm hitting shots I don't need to practice on.  The key to the practice/driving range is you get to use your same balls and club that you have in the bag.  The ball simply gets twice the durability when on the range.  Sometimes a new ball or club takes some getting used to the timing.