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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup @ Chambers Bay: Oct2015

Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:08 AM (315 replies)
  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 2:22 AM


    I will be streaming all of my matches on Twitch


    Anybody else?


  • johehejo
    279 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 2:35 AM


    this time works for me i suggested to the rest of the guys  we try wed 10/21

    Sounds good - Ruepel "whattsapped" from Turkey - confirming the appointment!

    Greetz johe

  • fredsf
    1,460 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 3:54 AM

    Sorry guys for the late news. In Match A: I guess we'll meet on Sunday at the indicated time then ;)


  • Daskino
    2,781 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 6:03 AM


    Hello Group E: 

    Is their any chance we can push it back 30 mins on weds 10/21 to play at 4:30pm local time (10:30pm for Konrad and Luciano) ? If this doesn't work for everyone I should be able to shuffle some things around and make 4pm happen. Let me know


    Hey Jon, absolutely no problem here. Nice to know Jason will stream the match too :)

  • BogieZed
    87 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 6:27 AM

    Am I too late to use as an alternate same schedule as tough it out III


  • fredsf
    1,460 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 6:47 AM

    WGT had to release the last update this week end! We've tried to play practice rounds with Saurabh and Luc and we just couldn't finish any of our attempts. I practiced alone after we gave up and got a disco on the last hole. Promise to be fun and long!!!

    And welcome back Ab (good to see you buddy!) JJ and Jaycen. Big welcome to Remi as well. Thanks guys for stepping in and filling the gaps! Go USA!

  • ab1983
    115 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 2:58 PM

    goods we on then

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 10:34 PM


    MATCH C:

    The spreadsheet shows a bolded and bordered block of 2-3hrs for each match that is the suggested overlap.

    Here is a zoomed-in snapshot, showing the overlapping time for your group of 4. UTC time is on the top, WGT time in blue on the next row:

    MATCH C ::  ab1983 & rfpoul                     vs        FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo

    C :: The only overlap for your group of 4 is also weekdays, between 4pm-6pm UTC (9am-11am WGT time). Please schedule for the most suitable day, after Marc (FairwayRuepel68) returns from his trip on 10/19, preferably early enough to leave a backup day the same week.

    Ab (ab1983): your noon local time

    (rfpoul): your noon local time

    Mark (FairwayRuepel68) & Joerg (johehejo): your 6pm local time.

    Just want to be sure everyone's on the same page with this match...

    I'm seeing the following forum posts:

    i'm good on tuesday at given time for match C ....1pm or earlier is ideal for my time

    thank you,


    this time works for me i suggested to the rest of the guys  we try wed 10/21

    Sounds good - Ruepel "whattsapped" from Turkey - confirming the appointment!

    Greetz johe

    goods we on then

    Remi's initial post mentions Tuesday [10/20] but Ab suggests Wednesday 10/21, which is confirmed by Jorg and Mark.

    Remi: can you play Wednesday 10/21, at your noon?

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2015 11:03 PM

    So, here we are on the eve of the UEL Ryder Cup...

    Thank you and congratulations everyone on organizing yourselves with the challenging business of scheduling! I've had a super busy last few days (still juggling projects for my kids' school) so I really appreciate the way you've all taken the initiative and set things up.

    Almost all of the matches now have fully confirmed playing times. 

    This is what I'm seeing from the various posts:

    Note: I'll keep a running tally of when matches are scheduled and their Twitch/YouTube links and archived versions on the main Overview tab of the event spreadsheet here.


    In playing order...

    MATCH F :: is confirmed for Saturday 10/17 at 5:30pm UTC (10:30am WGT time)

    F ::   ColumbusStorm & mmyers0  vs       Priestess
 & Saurabh08


    MATCH D :: is confirmed for Saturday 10/17 at 7pm UTC (noon WGT time)  STREAM

    D ::  JJ656 & KyRock75                vs         duffputt & JoeMaverick


    MATCH A :: is confirmed for Sunday 10/18 at midnight UTC time (Sunday 5pm WGT time): STREAM

    A ::  Wesdogg75 & fredsf              vs        fmagnets & Wontonamo


    MATCH C :: is proposed for Wednesday 10/21 at 4pm UTC (9am WGT time), awaiting rfpoul's confirmation.

    C ::  ab1983 & rfpoul                     vs        FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo

    MATCH B :: is confirmed for Wednesday 10/21 at 4:30pm UTC time (9:30am WGT time)

    B ::  BigKnight & jaycen129          vs        Legaci & Corwyn


    MATCH E :: is proposed for Wednesday 10/21 at 8:30pm UTC (1:30pm WGT time) ... awaiting confirmation from Konrad and Jason re 30mins later than first suggested.  STREAM

    E ::   frenchconnect & Young46     vs        KonradOse & Daskino


    Ryder Cup Chatzy Room: for matches that aren't being streamed, I've set up a Chatzy Room where players can, if they wish [and provided they won't get too distracted], provide running commentary about what's happening for the benefit of the rest of us!


    Looks like a cracking pair of matches to set everything off tomorrow, less than 12 hours from now.

    Best of luck to both teams, and let's hope we can get through all the games without any problems!


  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 12:07 AM


    MATCH F :: is confirmed for Saturday 10/17 at 5:30pm UTC (10:30am WGT time)

    F ::   ColumbusStorm & mmyers0  vs       Priestess
 & Saurabh08

    Oh wow, I'm glad I checked this again, because I thought we had moved it to 1:30 pm my time. You are correct: it's 1:30 Russ's time and 12:30 my time.