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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup @ Chambers Bay: Oct2015

Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:08 AM (315 replies)
  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 1:51 PM


    Sorry fellas, I was told several times 3pm my time.   I see you are red, I assume you kicked it off a 2pm my time.   


    Oh sh**. Yes I've used the spreedsheet to say you 3PM. I'm very sorry :(

  • duffputt
    314 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 2:07 PM

    A report from the match between KyRock75/Fredsf (US) and duffputt/Joemaverick:

    This was a very exciting match with some superb shots and some well holed putts.

    It ended 2 up to ROW but was very even along the way.

    On the opening hole Joe stiffs it to 5 feet and both Duff and Joe makes birdie. Fred holes a good 15 footer downhill to share the hole.

    On hole 11 Ky stiffs it to 4 feet for a good bird and US 1 up. 

    Then 4 super teeshots on hole 12 where the "worst" drive is only around 10 feet away-> 3 eagles and 1 bird.

    13: 4 pars

    14: Duff to 2,5 feet, Joe to 6 feet and ROW wins this hole with birdies.

    15: Duff to 3 feet, no one else close but US holes a bomb from front green. At this moment its All Square.

    16: Tail wind and only 40 yard shots to green. Joe and Duff gets close and KyRock holes an evil downhiller from 6 feet. A semihammer that would have gone 10 feet by, a good half in birdie.

    17: This hole proved to be the turning point for ROW. Joe holes a good 7,5 footer, but US misses a 5 and 7 footer after excellent teeshots. ROW goes 1 up

    18: 2 birds for ROW to go 2 up.

    A very pleasant atmosphere in the group an some high quality golf along the way. Thx to my plaing partners.

    Mikkel (Duffputt)

  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 2:12 PM






    ROW up by 2 :)

    Here the link to the stream :

    It was a high level game. USA took the lead on #11 thanks to a beautiful approach of KyRock. ROW came back square on #14, with a darts shot of duffputt. ROW thought to take the lead on #15 after an incredible TS inside 4f of duffputt... But fred saved the points thanks to a putt from nowhere (30f!).

    The turn happened on #17. Fred had a 7f putt for birdie, KyRock was inside 6f and I had a putt just over 7f. I made mine, Fred lips out his one and KyRock... lips out too! 

    On #18 Fred and KyRock were both on the 3rd plateau, I was on the second one and duffputt succeeded to keep the on the fairway, just to the right of the good plateau. The game was over.

    Very well played everyone, especially duffputt we have succeeded a GID of 100%, and average dist. to pin under 11f!


  • JJ656
    1,858 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 9:09 PM

    7pm my time tomorrow, sweet!   Against oldbossmanballlover and some unknown

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 10:09 PM

    lolz looking forward to a duel with masterJ and wes  :D

    should be a fair amount of fun lol



  • KyRock75
    411 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 10:48 PM

    I demand a re-match LOL!!



  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2015 11:24 PM

    Hello everyone,

    Firstly, my apologies for barely being able to get online today. Weekends are really challenging, and it's unfortunate that that is when many matches need to take place and issues can arise.

    I am truly sorry about the snafu with the JJ/Rock vs duffputt/Joe match today.

    Mags called it right:

    Check your time difference in Corwyn's spreadsheet JJ. It says 3pm your time too, yet everyone else was ready an hour earlier which suggests your time difference is wrong on the sheet.

    JJ's Time Zone info was wrong on the Data Entries tab in the spreadsheet ... but, it wasn't JJ's fault. It was mine, I'm afraid. As he was a late addition to the US team, we were scrambling to get all the info in, and rather than insisting he fill out the submission form himself, I offered to copy it from last year's Pinehurst event ... and needless to say, copied the YES's and POSSIBLE's correctly but somehow had it in my head that he lived on the East Coast. So, he's not -4 UTC, he's -5.

    Unfortunately, no-one caught it, which given that I display every start time in triplicate (UTC time, WGT time, and local time) is really every player's individual responsibility, not just mine. It's another reason why I ask for the City you live in on the submission form -- so that a red flag might pop up for me if it doesn't seem to match the Time Zone chosen. Clearly, we have strong evidence of what a mess up can happen if just one bit of information is wrong, and if we communicate with each other without repeating the details.

    I have apologized to JJ, and to Russ as US captain. Russ and I have been attempting to figure out what the right thing is to do in this situation... and it's not easy.

    I asked him if he wanted a rematch, and he doesn't. I think everyone is agreed that a match was played and that the result should stand.

    I also asked JJ if he would be available to switch out with Fred in match A IF that turned out to be an acceptable solution. JJ has somewhat jumped the gun by posting in this thread that that is happening, which has not been decided.

    I have not had a chance to hear from all the interested parties, and until I do, we must stick with the original participants of Match A.

    It would, of course, be unfair on Fred to remove him from the match that he was expecting to play with Wes... just because he was around and willing to sub for JJ in today's match, in the absence of any other alternates on the US team.

    So, it's a SNAFU in which it's impossible to please everyone, and I am very sorry that it's turned out this way.


    So, unless there is a further post, please plan on tomorrow's Match A remaining as Wes & Fred vs Mags & Tom...

    ... and, to reflect the fact that he missed his match largely through my error, I hope that JJ can be considered as first alternate for all remaining fourballs.

  • fredsf
    1,460 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 9:39 AM



    So, unless there is a further post, please plan on tomorrow's Match A remaining as Wes & Fred vs Mags & Tom...

    ... and, to reflect the fact that he missed his match largely through my error, I hope that JJ can be considered as first alternate for all remaining fourballs.

    Firstly, congrats to Joe and Duff on their amazing match yesterday, both shot 28 sparing holes on the 2nd part of the course...tough to beat!

    Then, I deeply sorry about the situation regarding JJ's schedule time. I know all the fun playing this event can create and I wish I would not have had to step in as a sub yesterday.

    To be honest with everybody, and after all the com I've had with Corwyn and Russ, I was not really happy to let my spot spot today. As JJ can be, I'm also exciting playing against those monsters, the only motto for me here since it's basically the only opportunity I have to play against them.

    I hope, everything will run smoothly from there. Sorry again for Corwyn and for JJ.

    Go Team USA!


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 1:51 PM

    I am not a part of this tourney, but because of Corwyn ,or who ever error, JJ was knocked out.

    So rather ask him like you are doing him a favor to replay the match, the correct thing to do is just reschedule the match and inform him of the new date and time.

    Just my personal thoughts

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 1:59 PM

    Force Majeure...