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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup @ Chambers Bay: Oct2015

Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:08 AM (315 replies)
  • KonradOse
    221 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 3:39 PM

    ROW wins 2 & 1

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 4:10 PM

    Daskino & KonradOse - great playing. . . no one was beating you 2 today with a 9 under score for 9 holes.

    Maybe you 2 could have thrown in an eagle or 2 on #12 and/or #18 but that would be just showing off too much  ;-)))

    And frenchconnect & Young46 still hung tough through #17.

    Go Team USA.


  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Wed, Oct 21 2015 11:35 PM

    Yep Lu and Konrad were unplayable. Well done guys!


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 10:11 AM

    Apologies for not posting sooner after yesterday's incredible Match E...

    I was waiting till I could catch up with Jason's archived stream of the match [temporary Twitch archive here, starts at the 41min mark]... (I didn't want to come on here too soon and find out the result, lol, it was too exciting).

    I'd had to leave with the pin surrounded on #14, after all 4 players had just incredibly managed to birdie #13 (with a tail wind, no less!).

    That was without doubt the most impressive fourball team performance I've ever seen (in real-life or virtual!). Fantastic play by Lu and Konrad -- as others have said, nobody could have beaten them with that display.


    FYI all: please look out for full week 2 match information later today. I still have some figuring out to do with Time Zones as Europe switches Daylight Savings this weekend, so come back here to see the full list of suggested playing times this afternoon.

    Note too that we still have the deferred Match C, which is trying again tomorrow, Friday 10/23 at the same time 4pm UTC (9am WGT time).

    MATCH C :: had too many disco's Wednesday 10/21, and is trying again Friday 10/23 at 4pm UTC (9am WGT time):

    C ::  ab1983 & rfpoul                     vs        FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo

    Would any of you be able to give us a commentary in the Ryder Cup Chatzy Room?


    After 5 of the 6 Fourball matches, Team ROW enjoys a 3:2 lead over Team USA.


    As a quick preview, here is the line-up of week 2 Foursomes matches:

    Wesdogg75 & fredsf KonradOse & Saurabh08
    ColumbusStorm & mmyers0 duffputt & JoeMaverick
    rfpoul & jaycen129 Priestess
 & Daskino
    KyRock75 & ab1983 FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo
    BigKnight & Young46 Legaci & Corwyn
    JJ656 & frenchconnect fmagnets & Wontonamo
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 5:18 PM

    As promised, here is the detailed information for the week 2 Foursomes (AltShot) matches.

    Yesterday I received the team captain's Secret Envelopes of pairings listed in their preferred order, and was relieved to find that everything can (at least in theory) work with an exact 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 6-6 lineup. Some of the matches have very precise days and times they can be played, so please check and confirm these asap. Also, we have the complication of the end of Daylight Savings in Europe between Saturday night and Sunday morning. I've tried to be very clear in the suggested time info below where this might affect matches. Please read the details and consult the spreadsheet chart carefully.

    And note too, the set up information below in bold.

    Here are the resulting week 2 Matches:

    It will take everyone's best intentions and clear communication to pull this off! Please pay attention to PMs and this thread, and confirm your matches for precise times and be there as scheduled! Real-life may well interfere, but let's all do our very best to make this work. Thanks!

    See detailed instructions below on What to do next... Please also confirm here in the thread when your match is all arranged.


    Week 2  (from Sat 10/24 to Mon 11/2):: will be Foursomes (Alt Shot) with a set of six matches to be played over 18 holes at Chambers Bay with the following conditions:

    Chambers Bay :: 4-Player Alt Shot :: Ranked Mode :: Full 18 :: Uneven Lies :: 60 second timer :: all other conditions as set by the game lobby

    IMPORTANT NOTE: due to the challenges of getting through games without disconnects, we are recommending that players experiencing or expecting difficulties get through the front 9 of the 18 hole setup and then all agree to drop match. Take 5 mins max to all reboot/restart game client/take bathroom break, and then set up again with another 18 hole match, with Team ROW once again doing the inviting with the same player who started teeing off on #1 initiating the setup, and inviting players in the same order. You can then concede holes to reach the correct score after the 9th, with the correct players teeing off on the even-numbered 10th hole.

    And, the procedure for figuring out who tees off first within each team is explained in WGT's FAQ (copied below, with my emphasis):

    How are the teams made?

    The creator of the game invites 3 other people to play, then chooses a partner from one of those players to form Team Green. The remaining 2 players form Team Gold, and the representative for Team Gold gets to choose who will tee off first for their team. The creator of the game will always tee off first for Team Green.

    What are the rules for Alternate Shot?

    Whoever tees off first for the team will tee off on all of the odd numbered holes (1,3,5 etc.). Their partner will tee off on the even numbered holes (2,4,6 etc,). 

    Please note: Matches should end at the 18th, if they haven't ended earlier. You should not play Extra Holes. If match is tied after the 18th hole, then the result is A/S, and each team wins 1/2 pt.

    The line-up for the 2nd week 4-Player Foursomes (Alt Shot) matches, to be completed by Mon 2 Nov, is here (spreadsheet link):

                   Team USA                     vs                 Team ROW

    A ::  Wesdogg75 & fredsf              vs        KonradOse & Saurabh08

    B ::  ColumbusStorm & mmyers0  vs        duffputt & JoeMaverick

    C ::  rfpoul & jaycen129                 vs         Daskino & Priestess

    D ::  ab1983 & KyRock75              vs         FairwayRuepel68 & johehejo

    E ::  BigKnight & Young46             vs         Legaci & Corwyn

    F ::  JJ656 & frenchconnect &       vs         fmagnets & Wontonamo


    Suggested dates/times for Matches: The spreadsheet shows a bolded and bordered block of 2-3hrs for each match that is the suggested overlap.

    A :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekends, and with Wes' work schedule it has to be this weekend, Oct 24-25   the second weekend, Oct 31/Nov 1. The best time for all of you is the window 3pm-6pm UTC (8am-11am WGT time).

    Note: if you end up scheduling on Sun, Nov 1, instead of Sat Oct 31, you will also have the end of Daylight Savings in the US to contend with (that will make Wes and Fred need to be there 1hr earlier).

    EDIT: Please schedule for Sat 10/31 at 3pm UTC (8am WGT time):

    Wes (Wesdogg75): your 10am local time (if you choose Sun 11/1, start will be 9am)

    Fred (fredsf): your 8am local time (if you choose Sun 11/1, start will be 7am)

    Konrad (KonradOse): your 4pm local time

    Saurabh (Saurabh08): your 8pm local time


    B :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is also weekends, and with mm's schedule it can only be Saturday. Thus, please try for this Saturday 10/24 between 3-9pm UTC (8am-2pm WGT time). Suggested start time to best avoid lunch/dinner overlap is 5pm UTC (10am WGT time). Note: that because match has to happen Saturday, I have not yet amended Mikkel and Joe's Time Zone, which will change for end of Daylight Savings in early AM of 10/25.

    Russ (ColumbusStorm): Saturday, 10/24, your 1pm local time.

    mmyers0: Saturday, 10/24, your noon local time.

    Mikkel (duffputt): Saturday, 10/24, your 7pm local time.

    Joe (JoeMaverick): Saturday, 10/24, your 7pm local time.


    C :: The only overlap for your group of 4 is weekdays, between 2pm-5pm UTC (7am-10am WGT time). Jaycen's preferred days are Tues-Thurs, so please try first for Tues, 10/27 at 2pm UTC (7am WGT).  Note: since this match has to be after the DST change in Europe, I've already amended the spreadsheet to show the new Time Zone info for Lu and Tess.

    Remi (rfpoul): Tues, 10/27, your 10am local time

    jaycen129Tues, 10/27, your 9am local time.

    Luciano (Daskino): Tues, 10/27,your 3pm local time.

    Tess (Priestess): Tues, 10/27,your 2pm local time.

    D :: Your group can only play on a weekend day. I've PM'd Ab to confirm that weekends are okay for him (as they were last time @ Olympic). Your overlap is between 3pm-6pm UTC (8am-11am WGT time). Please schedule for Saturday 10/24 first (leaving Sun 10/25 as a fallback), at 3pm UTC (8am WGT time):

    Mike (KyRock75): your 11am local time.

    Ab (ab1983): your 11am local time

    Mark (FairwayRuepel68your 5pm local time (if you choose Sun 10/25, it will be at 4pm!)

    Joerg (johehejo): your 5pm local time (if you choose Sun 10/25, it will be at 4pm!)


    E :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekdays, with Wednesdays being best for Young46, with overlap window of 4:30-8pm UTC (9:30-1pm WGT time). Please schedule for 5pm UTC (10am WGT time) on Wednesday 10/28.

    BigKnight: Weds, 10/28, your 1pm local time

    Jason (Young46): Weds, 10/28, your 1pm local time.

    Ian (Legaci): Weds, 10/28, your 1pm local time

    Corwyn: Weds, 10/28, your 10am local time


    Edit #2:

    MATCH F :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekdays, and that also rules out Friday (which is Tom's Saturday). Your time overlap window is 11pm-2am UTC (4pm-7pm WGT time). Mags has commitments Mons & Weds at these times, so the preferred day is Thu 10/29 at 11pm UTC (4pm WGT time).

    Please schedule for Thu 10/29, leaving Sun 11/1 as a fallback.

    JJ (JJ656): Thu 10/29, your 6pm local time

    Jon (frenchconnect): Thu 10/29, your 7pm local time

    Mags (fmagnets): Thu 10/29, your 9pm local time

    Tom (Wontonamo): Fri 10/30, your 9:30am local time

    (note Tom is 10.5hrs ahead and thus into the next day in Adelaide, Australia)


    Here is the spreadsheet itself.


    Just a reminder: The expectation is that all matches will be played: we don't award games based on disconnects.

    If you run into connection issues, please follow the guidelines posted here. Try and finish your match however possible. In this competition, we assume everyone's best intentions and we ignore thrice-disconnects and timeouts. If needed (and possible in the format) concede holes to get back to the same hole and score as soon as you can.

    If there are no-shows, the guidelines tell you what to do. 

    Alternates: please note the match start times listed above, and if you can be around and green at scheduled start time, you may be called upon.

    I'm hoping Captains can be around and available for consultation if needed. Ryder Cup Chatzy Room can be used for consulting captains and other players in emergency, and of course, for providing running commentary if your game isn't being streamed!

    Team ROW will be at least tied or leading after the week 1 series, and thus keep the honor (as holders) for this second series, the Foursomes (AltShot) matches.

    Please designate one player per match (per team as backup) to capture and share scorecard screenshots in the forum thread. Note that there can be an A/S result, which will mean 1/2 point to each team.

    And, please remember to share both 9 scorecards and an exciting match report afterwards!

    Any questions, please ask here!

    Thanks, and good luck to everyone. This is really shaping up to be a classic Ryder Cup!


  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 5:54 PM

    Tom (Wontonamo): Tue 10/27, your 9:30am local time

    perfect time for me to play!

    if need be can play anytime after 9.30am if anyone needs room to move - cant do before 9.30am tho - school drop-offs and stuff

  • Young46
    1,298 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 6:06 PM

    Time works for me. 


  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 6:30 PM


    Tom (Wontonamo): Tue 10/27, your 9:30am local time

    perfect time for me to play!

    if need be can play anytime after 9.30am if anyone needs room to move - cant do before 9.30am tho - school drop-offs and stuff

    Please note that I have a regular commitment on Mondays and Wednesdays at this time, but only Wednesday has been noted in the sheet. 

    However, Thursday this week has freed up for me, and we also have overlapping times on Sunday because that is Tom's Monday. So could I suggest we go for Thursday at the suggested time, then have Sunday (Tom's Monday) as the back up day?

  • Wesdogg75
    2,431 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 6:48 PM


    A :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekends, and with Wes' work schedule it has to be this weekend, Oct 24-25. The best time for all of you is the window 3pm-6pm UTC (8am-11am WGT time).

    Please schedule for Sat 10/24 at 3pm UTC (8am WGT time) the following times:

    Wes (Wesdogg75): your 10am local time.

    Fred (fredsf): your 8am local time.

    Konrad (KonradOse): your 5pm local time (if you choose Sun 10/25, it will be at 4pm!)

    Saurabh (Saurabh08): your 8pm local time.


    This is the weekend that i will not be available on Saturday, I will be here tomorrow night and hope to be home by Sunday afternoon sometime, this is my schedule for every other weekend



  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 7:14 PM

    Oops... sorry Wes. I DID know that, and even discussed it yesterday with Joe when live-chatting through whether his pairings would work in the matches that lined up...

    ... but then managed to forget it today (and miss the special Note) when writing up the possibilities.

    Yes, so your match A will need to happen on the reserve weekend, Sat 10/31 or Sun 11/1 instead.

    I'm pretty sure Fred can't play Fridays any more, and your Sunday afternoon will be too late for Saurabh.


    A :: The only overlap for the 4 of you is weekends, and with Wes' work schedule it has to be this weekend, Oct 24-25   the second weekend, Oct 31/Nov 1. The best time for all of you is the window 3pm-6pm UTC (8am-11am WGT time).

    Note: if you end up scheduling on Sun, Nov 1, instead of Sat Oct 31, you will also have the end of Daylight Savings in the US to contend with (that will make Wes and Fred need to be there 1hr earlier).

    Please schedule for Sat 10/31 at 3pm UTC (8am WGT time):

    Wes (Wesdogg75): your 10am local time (if you choose Sun 11/1, start will be 9am)

    Fred (fredsf): your 8am local time (if you choose Sun 11/1, start will be 7am)

    Konrad (KonradOse): your 4pm local time

    Saurabh (Saurabh08): your 8pm local time