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Changing ball mid game is wrong

Mon, Jan 24 2011 4:05 PM (18 replies)
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  • bbalder
    7 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 7:17 AM


    What is the benefit of changing the ball mid game? This is very negative for many reasons: 1) it changes the game mechanics - ball flight, landing, meter speed, etc - mid game, which you don't see coming at all, 2) it is not how real golf works, as you would at least get another ball of the same type and it would play the same way, and 3) it is of NO benefit to WGT as a business (that I can think of). I lost a major $100 match played with a friend because it switched my ball (ended the current ball), which hit differently and I hit it in the water on a hole that I KNEW I had hit a perfect shot. (8th hole on front side of Bethpage black 196y, with 8 mph wind, and hit my 205 yard club full distance and it hit the front at 175y and went in the water. I was going for 20 feet behind the front pin, since I was 2 up and know there is no way it would have gone in the water with the balls I normally use, as I have played it 300 times)

    Please look into this. I now you have the 'play until end of game' code, cause the energy drinks have it and display a dialog that says 'hour up, but will last til end of game.' If a benefit to you, let me know, but I cannot think of one.

    I think the balls running out, and getting people to buy more needs to be done more eloquently. You have no idea when you run out, and sometimes don't see you are playing with the regular white ball until the 3rd or 4th shot or even 2nd hole. Then its too late to start over. I would buy a lot more balls if this was done better. Let players know in a crystal clear way (huge dialog) when they are almost out or going to be out soon. In real golf I clearly know what I am hitting and if a new crappy white ball was on the ground in front of me.

    BTW, I am a game designer myself and have done many console/web games in the past and am not the Director of Product Management at a virtual world/game company.

    Thanks for listening!



    profile: BBalder

  • Switz71
    278 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 9:30 AM


    I find it ironic that it was your post I read before taking on the Single Play 18 @ Kiawah. When I first signed on to the game client, I noticed that I was down to 1 ball by the number given in the ball box. Although I could've purchased more before my round, I chose not to. That error probably cost me my best possible finish in a monthly tourny. I was running -9 going on to 13, where a slight meter glitch sent my ball just into the creek. The strokes quickly evaporated as I simply couldn't catch the meter. Held on for dear life & ended with a -4.

    Not trying to make light of your frustrations sir, especially when real $ is involved,but we are shown how many balls we have in our bag. We are also given a shot(s) meter on premium balls. It's up to us to monitor our equipment. I've read other forum posts pointing out, that it is possible to purchase balls mid round and continue. I believe they need to be the exact same ball including color.

    Hope it helps....


  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 12:28 PM

    it is not how real golf works, as you would at least get another ball of the same type and it would play the same way
    The "one ball rule" is used at WGT. Being the tournament committee , they have the right to impose this rule.



  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 12:50 PM

    Isn't switching to the free ball breaking the one ball rule and shouldn't they allow us 6 mins to look for lost balls

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 6:12 PM

    O.K.  "Man with face mask"  lmao   sry couldn't resist...Correct me if I'm wrong , but I see 3 options :   #1  Use the free ball (which WGT is doing out of courtesy)   

                                  #2  D/Q you from a competition (paid comp. in many cases)

                                 #3  Make sure you have equipped your bag properly before                                                  you begin your round.

    Tournaments / ready-go's are not timed so feel free to look for as long as you wish.  ;-p


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 6:42 PM

    #3  Make sure you have equipped your bag properly before                                                  you begin your round.

    Equip bag properly, you mean like changing out 3i for a forth wedge?..oops sorry wrong thread.;)



  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 7:03 PM

    Equip bag properly, you mean like changing out 3i for a forth wedge?..oops sorry wrong thread.;)
    It's your bag. 4 wedges may very well be "proper" for your approach to the game, but to say your approach to the game is the only approach to the game is simply not the case.


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 7:37 PM

    4 wedges may very well be "proper" for your approach to the game, but to say your approach to the game is the only approach to the game is simply not the case.

     Smooooth Ace.;D...4 wedges for PM yes, Legend no...3i for hybrid? Your turn...


    Sorry Billy, didn't mean to start different topic. I agree w/you that a player should be given the opportunity to purchase the same type balls within a round, MP, MPC, regardless the circumstances.

    MPC started w/two fresh balls, up 2 after 6, meter spiked two drives back to back. Weeds LB, water LB. Lost match 2nd extra hole. Of course I was using WGT courtesy balls.      

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 9:57 PM

    If you cant tell when you start using the 'stock' ball in a round you must be buyig cheapo balls. the swing metter is 3 times as fast as the sdgi balls


  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Thu, Jan 13 2011 10:59 PM

    .4 wedges for PM yes, Legend no
    Again...your opinion and your bag. I don't care what you carry in it. 


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