It amazes me as soon as you play a hole well, the next par 5 will shoot you in the brush no matter what wind or where you are aiming.
No it doesn't, that's an absurd comment!
Also everyone here knows it takes better equipment to master the game, buy it or play for fun, nothing wrong either way you go...but if you choose not to master the game, don't post false information to people reading the forum!!!
+1 Dan.
And let me guess, Swiddy does not believe in capitalism and thinks it is audacious that WGT would want to make a profit.
Or if you can be bothered, do the free credit offers......or is that like hard work?
Lets spread the wealth, so bludgers can sit on their ass all day whilst some toil away or reap the benefits of hard work or a good business idea.
Rant over...have a great day