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Thu, Dec 3 2015 9:23 AM (50 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 7:00 AM

    But you had one too,  his name is all numbers in fact.  

    It has to involve numbers AND letters. 

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 7:46 AM

    It has to involve numbers AND letters

     I think that's correct Jim and I left two perfect examples for either Sham or Champ in one of my previous posts---  2puttstommy and 1963Bubba.  It seems the correction in the re invite process not only doesn't work anymore I can't even invite one of the two to an A/S match now without an instant decline.  

    I've messaged that same person and they say they get an invite but as soon as he tries to accept it says invite canceled. Instead of finding a fix and this issue getting better, it seems to be getting worse. I'm surprised.  :-)

  • Stobsbee
    4,784 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 8:18 AM

    It has to involve numbers AND letters

     I think that's correct Jim

    I have one person on my list who is numbers only (8802) and I get the not found error when I click on him.


  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 8:39 AM

    I'm getting something even stranger. If I "click" on one of the few friends on my list starting with a number it takes me to another players profile who isn't even on my friends list.

    That player name has all numbers. Is anyone else getting a player with all numbers as his player name to load to another players profile page?

    Another strange thing is if I type his name into the find player page it does not find him. 

    All others on my friends list starting with numbers also have letters and all of them give the player not found error. 

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 9:01 AM


    It has to involve numbers AND letters

     I think that's correct Jim

    I have one person on my list who is numbers only (8802) and I get the not found error when I click on him.


    It seems inconsistent in the problem Stobs because I can get 8802 to come up but not Tommy.  Abe and I fixed the issue twice now and we seem okay---- for now.  Tommy and I just once, and not ok.  They must be tinkering with the issue and fouling it up even worse while we're playing.

    Seeing it really only affects lower ball use A/S games mostly, I'll be surprised if it ever gets on the first page of fixes.


  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Sat, Oct 31 2015 4:46 PM


    Sorry to everyone who did it much faster because they already had friends who met the criteria to see the issue. 

    But you had one too,  his name is all numbers in fact.   ;-)


    Just bustin' ya chops Champ.   :-)

    It's funny that you bring that up, because there's a different issue with going to his profile page sometimes. To be honest, I think the two issues are related, but I only have theories and have to wait for the smart people to let me know if I was right or not. 


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Wed, Nov 11 2015 5:36 AM

    It's funny that you bring that up,

     Very poor choice of wording Champ considering none of us see the humor in all the current bugs in this game.  I continually have to delete  my two CC mates that fit this glitch and then add a new FR to be able to find- invite, or message them.

     On top of that I just tried an A/S game using my free pass to roll it over and set my next one up for tonights CDP game. Third hole disconnect for my partner wasted that one and I'm tired of e mailing CS for the 37 cents back.  Little by little the laziness of your techs or the lack of interest from WGT's end in correcting any of this, is making this such a chore that it's no longer the least bit fun. No need to go into the many other bugs, as there are multiple threads explaining each one.

    Please try and make this game at least playable or sooner or later you're going to shoot yourselves in the foot. Or maybe your company doesn't give a crap about this PC version anymore and have dumped us for the mobile version.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Nov 11 2015 5:38 AM

    Very poor choice of wording Champ considering none of us see the humor in all the current bugs in this game.

    Jeez, climb offa him. Change it to "ironic" if you want to play literal man.

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Wed, Nov 11 2015 5:53 AM


    Very poor choice of wording Champ considering none of us see the humor in all the current bugs in this game.

    Jeez, climb offa him. Change it to "ironic" if you want to play literal man.

      Where I come from Jim-drastic problems require drastic measures and if I offended him for the lack of thought that went into his post I'm sorry, but maybe, just maybe, if the post sticks in his cranium some of these issues might be sorted.  If every glitch just becomes the norm with a new work around for each nothing will ever be attended to.

     BTW  it's kinda like I say Potota- and u say potato, but at least I got this thread back up at the top FWIW.  Have a good day sir.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Nov 11 2015 7:01 AM

    if the post sticks in his cranium some of these issues might be sorted.

    Do you honestly believe a.) the issues at hand are not well known by everybody and b.) he can do anything about them to the point where you need to resort to "drastic measures" by nit-picking?  LOL. Oooookay, carry on.  :-)