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Driving range

Wed, Jan 19 2011 2:33 PM (5 replies)
  • phil7119
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jan 16 2011 6:41 PM

    Why don't WGT have a driving range to pratice with new clubs?

  • ChristopherRouss
    133 Posts
    Sun, Jan 16 2011 11:17 PM

    You know... that is a great question... same with why don't they have a practice green.... But you can go and shoot some practice rounds to work on your all around game.... to get your timing.... maybe that is why they don't think about adding one.

  • tomab
    533 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2011 2:03 AM


    I too asked for that long ago.
    When you test on the course you can not shoot the same shot or putt several times and see how you should have done it.
    On a driving range you can shoot the same over and over again and learn about how spin (top- , back-) influence on your stroke. I.e. influence on carry and roll. And with wind you can also see how much more wind influence on a backspin shot than on a topspin shot.
    You can also test out how balls influence and much more.

    With a practice putting green you can learn more about distance and elevation by trying different shots from the same spot.

    With driving range and putting green you can also test out new equipment more exact before you by it, so you get the right equipment (clubs, balls,..) for you.

    I hope WGT see the value of this.

  • dirtystinkinbast
    5 Posts
    Wed, Jan 19 2011 8:50 AM

    Have WGT ever responded to any of the questions about it?

    I have seen it mentioned and asked quite a bit but can't find any replies from them on the subject.  It would be nice to know either way

  • BonScott78
    7 Posts
    Wed, Jan 19 2011 12:09 PM


    Have WGT ever responded to any of the questions about it?

    I have seen it mentioned and asked quite a bit but can't find any replies from them on the subject.  It would be nice to know either way

    WGT doesn't EVER respond...they just want your $$, not your input!  ;-)

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Wed, Jan 19 2011 2:33 PM

    I hope WGT see the value of this.

    Although 95% of players on here would totally agree with having a driving range and putting green, I think you'll probably find it is of NO VALUE to WGT.  Why?  Because if you get good, you won't be losing balls as often, you'll buy the clubs you want and not ones you thought you wanted, and then WGT will get less income.

    So, why don't they answer?  Because the answer you want is not the answer they will give.  And if they give you the answer you don't want, you may leave, so even less potential income for them.

    Does that make sense?  Confused the hell out of me!