Hi all. Had a blitz round tonight where I accidentally dropped one into the weeds - missed the meter. My next shot was half decent and I got a good recovery bonus.
One of my playing partners made the obligatory comment about the recovery bonus rule being, shall we say, not his favourite thing. Then he says, next time he should hit one into the water and follow up with a good shot. Next thing I know, he's disconnected.
Coincidence? Maybe...
Now I ask you this. That ball cost me good money. Sure it's not the most expensive ball on the game, and in real terms it's not much money. But it works for me and it still cost me and it had a good few shots left on it. It was my second last ball as well. Now why would I purposefully hit it away just to get a bonus and win an arbitrary and random game of blitz?!
As it happens, I had a blinding run of accuracy after that. My next six holes were all within ten feet, so I was happy. My best performance.
I am now on my last ball and I have no credits to buy new ones. Have to learn to play with the freebies. But that's beside the point.
The overall question is this: if someone makes a mistake and then benefits from a game feature, why does that automatically mean they are cheating?