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Article On Flash .Oct 15. 3 Days ago

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Sun, Oct 18 2015 6:03 PM (9 replies)
    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 4:10 AM
    Adobe Flash Player

    The fun never ends with Adobe Flash.

    Just one day after Adobe released its monthly security patches for various software including Flash Player, the company confirmed a major security vulnerability that affects all versions of Flash for Windows, Mac and Linux computers. You read that correctly… all versions. Adobe said it has been made aware that this vulnerability is being used by hackers to attack users, though it says the attacks are limited and targeted. Using the exploit, an attacker can crash a target PC or even take complete control of the computer.

    And now for the fun part: The only way to effectively protect yourself against this serious security hole is to completely uninstall Flash Player from your machine.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 5:27 AM


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 5:35 AM

    Per the article below the latest versions of Flash, released Friday the 16th, contain a fix for the newest vulnerability.


    Adobe releases patch for major Flash vulnerability – here’s how to download it

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 6:14 AM

    Thanks Tess, for the heads up.

    Thanks Andy for the solution.

    New version downloaded and manually installed in Maxthon!


    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 6:41 AM

    Your Welcome Paul:) Just need to be aware whats going on with Adobe these days:)

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 9:13 AM

    Good article about Flash's constant and never-ending downside. I always wonder why so many people, who use Flash (or have Flash installed) don't have the "Check for updates automatically" box checked. 

    Folks using outdated (and, in all honesty, the latest) Flash are pretty much leaving themselves, and their personal info WIDE OPEN. No wonder Google, You Tube and almost every other company/site that used Adobe's Flash, has distanced themselves.

    If not for this one game (WGT), I wouldn't have anything that comes from Adobe on my computer. I won't install Java for any reason, ever. 

    Adobe Flash is dying, and those who think it's not, must live on another planet or something. Countless news articles in the last few months have come out about Adobe Flash's guaranteed demise. The only questions is, how long can Flash hang in there. 

    And, there are several GREAT online game MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) platforms out there. Since none of us know what the future holds for WGT, regarding Flash, all we can do is sit, be vulnerable, and hope we're safe while opening the site/client. 

    My opinion is that the cost effectiveness of changing the platform is definitely not worth the money. But, I have no idea what WGT's revenue is, nor whether the bosses are considering a "safe" alternative to Flash. 

    Downloaded (installed) MMO platforms are the way to go. Definitely expensive (to the company), but 100x safer, and they would be much better at putting halt to the cheats/multis abuse that's rampant here. The only downside to downloaded platforms (Steam,Desura, Galaxy, Origin, HTML5, WebGL, etc...I left Unity out because it's probably worse than Adobe in terms of safety) is that the player will need a decent computer (not a gaming computer, either, but at least 4-6mb ram min. and fairly good graphics card). The downside to browser-based MMO's is that they have to have dedicated servers, and anything that's added/updated means downtime. Downloaded MMO platforms don't have downtimes, but their updates/fixes do mean waiting a few minutes longer to open, than normal, as they update it. But, bottom line is they have no need nor use for Adobe Flash.

    If I were the decision-maker at WGT, I'd just do what they're doing right now. Ride it out and hang on until the very day that Adobe Flash completely dies. I wouldn't change platforms, but I would be (just as they are doing) leaning most of my resources towards making the Mobile game better, and better. The future is there, not here. 



    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 12:48 PM

    The future is there, not here. 

    Very interesting!

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 12:50 PM

    The future is there, not here. 

    Question is, what is their view of post-flash WGT?

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 2:53 PM

    The only way I could see me using a mobile device for this game, usually anyway, is if I could easily hook it up to a mouse and larger monitor. 

    Looked quickly at that possibility a couple of times, and struck me as at least not a mainstream option yet???  Or will android be easier just to use on a PC (bluestack or whatever it is called option now I think for example) - something I have not bothered to explore beyond a passing who gives a flip.  I am no gamer as is easy to tell :)

    How much of their customer base is like me I have no clue of course :)

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Oct 18 2015 6:03 PM

    How much of their customer base is like me I have no clue of course :)

    All of us are, lol.