I am not kidding and this seems to be your lucky day. Let me tell ya.
First, I must send regrets for lizzie not making it over to your place to deliver you "goodies". As anyone can tell, she had a very trying day filled with mishaps and unworthy what you nots, just what the poor women went through this day! Tisk Tisk. I am sure a man of your stature must appreciate her woes. As for the used mattress that one of our fine members has offered to donate, our lizzie might perhaps, time and circumstance provided, may still yet find it for you.
Now to your good fortune hrth. I get this information second hand you see as I, another common man, was at work when the events transpired.
It seems that after my neighbor ,the proud new owner of the 63, assembled his burn barrel and took it for a test drive, he neglected to remember that cold metal expands when exposed to heat and after approximately 30 minutes toppeled over, fell through his sliding glass door into the living room setting the house ablaze. No worries mate, no one was injured and due to his address and reputation with the local fire department, a quick response was delivered. YA ALL SPOKEN OVER THERE. (No offense directed to my southern brothers whence I had lived for the better part of 15 years in FT. Myers, FLA., concealed weapon permit still valid and female with many XXXXXXX need not reply).
So after it was all done the fire department declared the cause of the fire not to be the 63. It was determined that the front part of his house, built 27 years ago, had slumped down forcing the burn barrel to topple, thus saving your car. So, my original offer to stands. You still have to pick it up but the 63 is yours buddy! We your brothers and sisters at WGT are here for ya happy to help those in need.
P.S. Due to physics the 63 is slightly warped, but if you can use the lego bricks lizzie had provided and a 20 lb. sledge, the vehicle will roll good as new. Have a nice day.