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Tue, Jan 25 2011 11:32 AM (38 replies)
  • hrth
    9 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 3:13 AM

    hi guys i have just started and wondered how kind people are on here if u could be so kind as to send he some stuff u would be a ledge. please help.

  • JerryK74
    268 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 2:07 PM


    hi guys i have just started and wondered how kind people are on here if u could be so kind as to send he some stuff u would be a ledge. please help.

    Sure mate, what's on yer list?


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 2:37 PM

    Finally! Somewhere to dump all my junk. Look,just give me your address,I will blag a van and bring it around.I have the following I need to gift away soonest.

    347 x apples,rotten,fropm the orchard

    23 x bin bags of assorted lego bricks(broken-some with blood on them-from my toes)

     1 x bike frame,Cannondale black,Phat tube lefty,in three pieces(they dont make em right anymore)

    7 x solar powered calculators(no sun where i live anymore)

    23 x  copies of "womans Own"

    9 x  old mobile phones(no sim) some with broken chargers

    2 x  chewed dog leads

    71 x love letters straight from the heart and perfumed(we fell out and this should be payback bigtime)

    2 x wheels(bent) would suit Mini if you don't mind a bit of speed wobble.At low speeds.

    2 x wheels (VERY bent) would suit Cannondale lefty.Suitable for display only

    1 x full suite of sails for Dufour 2400 inc Genoa and main,#s 1-3 Jib and spare spinnaker.(needs stitching,cleaning,desalination,renumbering,re-fitting of reef points) Would swap for similar set if similar set would be guaranteed not to rip in a mere F9.

    3 x Pr sailing pants(see above for reason...)

    4 x used self inflating gas canister for Redmond lifejackets

    11 x used distress flares(Just the bit you hold in your hand)

    1 x Pr singed sailing gloves

    1 x Stirrup,would suit girl aged 9-18

    1 x flex whip.(No forget that,might still need it...)

    2 x broken halter,1 x lead rein,one half of saddle.Plus a damn spunky horse if he ever comes back.

    4 x sheep heads(Bones only,Circa 1999 season) some teeth intact

    26 x assorted home tied trout flies,sedge patterns,GRHE,Palmers,Montana and a few weirdie ones of my own design.Reason for gift-The trout dont appear to read the same books on angling that I do.

    1 x van.Dont suppose the owner would want it back due to smell of fermenting apples. MMMM ciderrrrr!


    If you need anything else,please do not hesitate to be forward,totally unnashamed,completely unnaware of the verb "To take" and without any remorse at all.

    Oh.I see you covered that already.

    All the Best(if you can get it)

    Lizzie x

  • craigswan
    32,353 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 2:57 PM

    And an old mattress .

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 3:17 PM


    And an old mattress .


    Well no.Although of course there is an old mattress,I shall be keeping my eyes peeled upon the journey for a skip outside someones house,which of course is the default resting place for all old mattresses.I will also be grazing my way through two packets of Lions sports mixture,a bag of peardrops and one Ginsters pastie.Not because it has any merit(or heredity) to pasties and the making of,but because they are local.A man who works there overlooks St.Mellion Golf course too,so there you have the golf connection already.

    And it is 145 by the way Craig.

    Other than that,I wish the OP luck,but would submit that were he to change his avatar to a pin up semi undressed female completely unkown to him,but with attributes,he would have more luck in prying credits from some erstwhile good souls here.

    Also before I get back to StA #1,a straw poll of no relevance at all. Cap columbie or Douwe eggberts? (The cap is on offer at just £3.05)

    Lizzie x

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 3:20 PM


    I will be loading the old mattress last so that I can readily access it en route.

    In case anyone was worried about my having to scramble over dirty tryes and apples and stuff.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 3:21 PM
    to get to the mattress you understand.The old one.
    2,580 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 3:26 PM

    Hrth, 1 avatar clothes set, 1 full set of top notch clubs, 6 sets of balls on the way to you. Keep an eye out for the postman.

  • JerryK74
    268 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 3:35 PM


    Hrth, 1 avatar clothes set, 1 full set of top notch clubs, 6 sets of balls on the way to you. Keep an eye out for the postman.


    lmao........If its AN Post, yer rightly fkd hrth lol


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Thu, Jan 20 2011 3:46 PM


    Hrth, 1 avatar clothes set, 1 full set of top notch clubs, 6 sets of balls on the way to you. Keep an eye out for the postman.


    I'm puzzled.I looked at Hrths' profile,and cannot find anywhere that he has a glass eye,or even a false one of any description.So how would you know he would be able to keep an eye out for postie? and surely,if postie was the aggressive sort who was ready to do battle with the possible intention of harmning Hrts face,especially around the ocular region,would leaving an eye out sort of give postie the advantage? Did anyone else see the eyerony there or was it just me?


    Lizzie x