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purse prize tournament question

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Sat, Oct 24 2015 9:33 PM (12 replies)
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  • axstrat
    415 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 11:16 AM

    I had a member that wanted to create a 1000 credit tournament by adding it in a purse. But says he's unable  to.

    I have it set up so this member can create tournaments , but are only the owners able to donate to purse for tournaments or can any members with create tournament option  with the purse thing?



  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 1:27 PM

    are only the owners able to donate to purse for tournaments or can any members with create tournament option  with the purse thing?

    Nope. I have Veterans who do it often, and I don't think it's limited to them.

    Check the permissions in the Owner Tools - only Recruits are by default excluded from Tournament Creation, and you may include them at your will.

    Never heard of other restrictions.

  • PhiEaglesFan
    617 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 1:40 PM

    are only the owners able to donate to purse for tournaments or can any members with create tournament option  with the purse thing

    Anyone with permission (as alosso mentioned) to create the tournament can do a paid tournament and personally contribute to the purse themselves.  I believe only the tournament creator can add to the purse though, and only during the initial setup.

  • axstrat
    415 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 7:15 PM

    ok  thanx ya all

    Yeppers  he's able to create tournaments, but since I can't see what they see on create a tournament page wasn't sure if it was only the owner...I'll pass the info along.

    Again thx


  • axstrat
    415 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 7:28 PM

    He sent me a screen shot of what he sees trying to create a tournament and there isnt a section to add to purse and I have him set to veteran with all boxes checked


    Here is what i see. Where do i add my 1000 credits to purse?


  • Drdave72
    272 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 7:48 PM

    How many paid tournaments can your club have going at one time. I see 3 free and 1 paid right now. Add to purse should be between the entry fee line and prize line.

  • Yasch
    310 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 7:55 PM

    I created a similar tourney(for example purposes only) and I have 'Member' status. This is what I get. Strange that your member did not get the 'Add to Purse' option.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 8:03 PM

    I get the same ay Yasch - the add to purse shows.

    On the assumption the OP has a minimum of 100 credits, if he has the ability to create a tourney, I would have thought this would be an option.

    It will show for a free or paid entry tourney, so something in his status, the permissions...or not enough funds.

  • axstrat
    415 Posts
    Thu, Oct 22 2015 8:39 PM

    I set member on veteran status  and veteran status has all the boxes checked   ("member" rank status in club also has create tournament permissions)

    but he's not seeing were to put the purse at and according to his screen shot there is no option to put it in there.

    He wants to create a 1000 credit purse tournament for tour pro's and below so Im assuming he has credits enough in hand

    When I create a tournament whether I have credits enough on hand the purse thingy still shows, but if im under a 100 credits  then it just wont take is all.

    at this very moment I have 54 credits in pocket and when I go to the tournament creation page, the purse box is still showing.  It just gives me an error message sayin I need to meet minimum credits to create a purse style tourny.

  • axstrat
    415 Posts
    Fri, Oct 23 2015 11:06 AM

    How many paid tournaments can your club have going at one time. I see 3 free and 1 paid right now. Add to purse should be between the entry fee line and prize line.


    I think it is 10 and 10  we can have running at one time....and this just happened in our transition where the running tournys were winding down and getting ready to bring some new ones in   so we are well under both free and fee based tourny limits


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