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Flash and varying dot speed

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Sun, Nov 8 2015 1:06 AM (16 replies)
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  • Safdar1
    454 Posts
    Mon, Oct 26 2015 2:15 PM

    First of all, my meter is smooth, I clean up my machine religiously and a smooth meter is like gold and I am so glad its been ok for me. Took me ages to find a browser set up that worked for me.

    However my dot speed on greens is all over the place, it is around twice as slow, and consistently around twice as slow, as a friend who has reliable dot speeds. Same greens, same putts. It has always been twice as slow since I started the game last year but had no frame of reference so I thought all was good. .

    Now this was on flash 19. I went back to flash 13 (I have win10 and use maxthon 3 ideally and also ffox sometimes) and they got a lot quicker but still slower than they should be. I do a test on merion 5, left pin, below the hole at the fringe I have seen the dots move a whole grid in 3-4 seconds, so I take that as my base. 

    I tried flash 18, good speed on merion and then played St A, they are deadly slow again, went back to merion 5, now the same putt I see dots taking 8 seconds to clear the same grids.This is a couple of hours after seeing them twice as fast.

    Everything else is good, like I said I am happy with my meter. Has anyone else experienced flash causing varying dot speed and has anyone got any ideas for me?

    I have 4gb ram, decent processors, my upload and download speeds are around 30 (G?M?) and 10 (I cannot remember which way round) and my ping speed varies but is around 20 and doesn't get quicker than this. I have a laptop with basics graphics card but its a better machine and connection than my friend.

    The dots appear to vary from one hole to the next, one hole can break twice as much as the next with the same dot speed and length and elevation.

    I am a new legend, lots to learn but I am not a newb, and I really for the life of me cannot see it as something dumb I am doing wrong.

    All advice and help appreciated thanks,



  • Safdar1
    454 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 5:35 AM


  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 7:57 AM

    I would take the scientific approach and rule out what is NOT causing the problem. Sometimes another operating system, another computer, or another browser is a start. Try logging in on a different computer if at all possible and see if you get the same results. I have 3 different operating systems on the same harddrive, It is just a matter of partitioning, then booting to that particular operating system. You can even have 3 copies of the same version of Windows. This is how i do my testing to see if it's my computer, my internet connection, my mouse, my browser, or my flash player version.  The main thing is to eliminate what is NOT the problem first and then go from there, Sometimes it could be just that account at WGT, whereas someone else's account on your computer may do just fine. In that case, it would be on WGT's end.Good luck with the scientific approach as i have battled this for 5 years now but have always prevailed somehow to a smooth meter and no lag (still get booted tho).   MTBR

  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 8:27 AM

    Wireless is NOT the choice I would make either.....

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 11:08 AM

    So Safdar1 how do you find these older versions of flash? My computer has been herky-jerky since the last update of flash. It's only couple months old do I'm going to guess its the flash program

  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 2:32 PM


    scroll down and see all the previous versions




  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 2:47 PM

    I would try another browser first as each browser(IE, Mozilla FF,Google Chrome, Maxthon) has it's own flash player version, some embedded(CHROME, MAXTHON) some have seperate downloads....Maxthon gives me the best results

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Fri, Oct 30 2015 8:00 PM



    Go to your AMD or Nividea control panel > power > CPU Power > and PIN your MHZ.  I play with 2500 MhZ, pinned.  If you play with a balanced settings that uses say, 1400 MhZ to 3500 MhZ you'll have a HUGE fluctuation in dot speed.



  • Safdar1
    454 Posts
    Sat, Oct 31 2015 10:46 AM

    MTBR-  many thanks and I think you are right, try to isolate the problem, I have had better dots on my account from another computer and a different location to my home, and problems with my laptop from mulitple locations. I suspect it is something on my hardware and how it interacts with flash. No difference with all the main browsers, and all versions of flash.

    Oh and I am not using anything wireless the mouse is USB and am connecting via ethernet cable (for those that do no use ethernet I highly recommend it)

    Tracy - i really did not find any problems at all with older versions of flash, I tried them all from 13 onwards in fact I found my best experience on maxthon cloud and v17 flash, but maxthon cloud and maxthon 2 performed well meter wise on all versions of flash.




  • Safdar1
    454 Posts
    Sat, Oct 31 2015 10:53 AM

    Thats a good idea, however my system tells me my graphics device is is Intel HD Graphics, not AMD or Nividea etc....I have set the 3d performance to high and the same with my power plan/performance. I cannot access any other options or properties for this card to amend as you suggest.

    I have checked my detailed parts invoice and it only lists the card as Intel HD Graphics, the machine itself cost around 300 USD so I can hazard a guess at quality....

    Could my graphics card be limiting my wgt experience and resulting in slower dots?





    Go to your AMD or Nividea control panel > power > CPU Power > and PIN your MHZ.  I play with 2500 MhZ, pinned.  If you play with a balanced settings that uses say, 1400 MhZ to 3500 MhZ you'll have a HUGE fluctuation in dot speed.




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