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Flash and varying dot speed

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Sun, Nov 8 2015 1:06 AM (16 replies)
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  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Sat, Oct 31 2015 12:12 PM

    Your particular graphics are imbedded on the processor itself and you do not have a dedicated GPU (graphics processing unit)  or card....but  WGT only needs basic graphics to run smoothly anyway.   WIN 10 with 4 gigs of ram ....what you have is a program or service running in the background probably that is draining all your ram....TASK Manager will show your running processes and click on the memory tab twice to put the highest ones on top. WGT has a memory leak or something that requires me to "clean" my memory after just a few shots. read this post  332704.aspx      


    you can set it to clean your memory every 5 min if you want. I use it with WGT and it runs constantly when my computer starts up (set this in the options) and it is perfectly safe from any about it, how it works  and I have no more memory leak problem   stays at 350-400 mb  ...smooth meter. good dots...good luck!

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Oct 31 2015 6:51 PM

    All advice and help appreciated thanks,

    You provided some great information so people can help hopefully.  Good to see as most people just ask for help without provided some more info.

    When I got my new puter running windows 8.1 I had to try quite a few browsers to get a good one that worked.  I was using Fox and that was terrible with the new puter.

    Chrome is pretty good, but the meter runs in Warp speed.

    Comodo Dragon is great as the meter speed is alot slower. Good for my old brain  lol

    Apart from the advise given earlier, I recommend trying different browsers to everybody until you find the one that works for your machine.  One browser that is good for me is useless for somebody else.


  • Safdar1
    454 Posts
    Sun, Nov 1 2015 11:43 AM

    Thanks guys


    MTBR - I have around 50-60% of my 4g ram always being used when I play, and the game client itself is not too bad, somewhere around 2-300mb. I have installed the cleanmem you suggested I guess it is working in the backgound, i can see the processes in task manager.


    Mantis - I have tried every browser I can think of, most are actually ok and playable, the dots are always slow for me however.

    I have noticed this, though - when playing on lowest quality flash the dots do speed up a little, on all browsers, of course it is not much fun in this view, but switching even to medium or any better noticably slows down my dots.

    I am going to keep plugging away to see if anything is eating up my ram and is not appearing in task manager, there are a couple of ways of seeing this but they are too advanced for me.....

  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Sun, Nov 1 2015 12:51 PM

    Or you can call me on the phone and we can do it together. I use a program called  Teamviewer 10  that let's us both see your computer and is passworded each time to assure privacy. I assure you I'm only trying to help and I have helped others with computer problems in my country club. If you should feel uncomfortable about something, you could always just disconnect because it would take your permission to go any further. I will put my  phone number in your private messages on WGT as soon as you accept my friend request.  MTBR

  • Safdar1
    454 Posts
    Sat, Nov 7 2015 8:51 AM

    MTBR thanks so much for your time I learnt a lot and its so  kind of you to give your time and experience like that.

    I finally got my second laptop fixed its a macbook with better hardware than the dell, and hurrah it plays well the dots are smooth and the speed they should be, I have tried it on maxthon, ff, chrome and opera and all operate well and the meter is also good on all of them, on flash high quality.

    This tells me it is not my account (which I had suspected not but its always possible isnt it) or the browser really, but in my specific case I am sure it is the embedded graphics card that couldnt handle the rendering of the dots, however it handled the meter very well it was not jerky or anything. I guess it confirms we all need our specific set up to suit our machines, even if we have the same browsers etc.

    Finally after a year, I have good dots and feel I can work hard now on putting which is where the real gains are to be made.


  • MTBR
    182 Posts
    Sat, Nov 7 2015 9:26 AM

    That is GREAT news Safdar !    I feel everyone should at least have the opportunity to play smooth golf at WGT even if we do miss those birdie  Happy Golfing!!!!!!


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