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Past and Present

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Tue, Oct 27 2015 5:59 PM (7 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 12:18 PM

     It;s old Squirrel Nutz here. MY MY how things have changed. I am not one of the original members of WGT, but I have been here long enough to remember the respectful days. I was originally called a whiner, bitcher and complainer. I listened to Mama. Mama was several of the original male members of WGT. I spent a lot of time, got the feel of the game and played my butt off. I never became one of the Elite players but I had more fun than I can recall. 

     I don't play anymore but I still check in every night and read the Forums. Some of the things I see are quite upsetting. As far as game play, internet connections, zigs zags etc. I don't see these ever changing. The call outs and slamming of each other are not acceptable. This may be a computer game where you can hide behind a key board, but it is supposed to be golf. That in itself has rules that you follow. 

     Enough of the present.

    Let's talk about the past. I have had several friends on WGT that I no longer have. They did not stop playing, they are no longer with us on this earth. They are in my mind and thoughts and always will be. These people were the reason I spent time on WGT. When you decide to come on the forums and just rant and let loose, please stop for a moment and realize. You don't know what you have until it is gone.

    Just some thoughts from Renniw52

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 12:29 PM

    Mama was one of several of the original male members of WGT...."

    A dude named "Mama" ?.....anyway, I fully agree with your post...


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 12:56 PM

    To be honest I am not sure if the game, or more aptly, the players have changed.

    I initially found this game when it was CTTH, created a name, played and left thinking there was great potential ...but was not for me.

    Then when I rediscovered the game stroke course had been introduced and the potential was beginning to be realised. When I found it, I did not think I would stay and had to recreate a new name (to this day I can't recall the original user id).

    But quiters were around then, abusive players were around then etc....not dissimilar to present.

    It took me a while to find the forums, but for years I was the moderator at an aviation website, and to be honest, you get the same there as on here - some petty views, bitching, arguing, and personal attacks and the conspiracy theorists.

    The way I look at it, this is a golf game on the net - golfers will show etiquette more often than not, gamers will not show any. Drawing comparisons, the pilots at the aviation site were measured and knowledgeable, the non-pilots were aggressive and disparaging.

    That said generally speaking the younger generation are not as well mannered as when I grew up, where respect was always given and expected. I an not damning young uns, as obviously this open depends on their upbringing and morals and I do believe respect should be earned; it is not a given just because of age or status.

    I do find it disappointing that some threads, well many, will turn into mud slinging battles, but that is the internet - WGT forums are lightly moderated compared to the site I used to moderate. I believe we have a right to retort if we are attacked, but only if you do it in a civilised way. I find it disappointing that some threads (such as Lets be Honest) have been allowed to be hijacked where a Mods intervention would have kept that as a great post. Now reading through you need to skim through the rubbish.

    For me I still play, I have my friends whom are fun, and I will play with then when the time zones collide, Yes like most, some have gone to a better place, some gave up due to the hoops we have to jump through to play this game.

    I took a three month break and seldom checked in on the forum, the game is really about playing and having fun (I too am no elite player), playing with friends and making new friendships. If I stop having fun and no longer find it relaxing, then that is when I hang up my clubs. Even in games that crash.....I would have rather started a game with friends than not have started one at all - I enjoy and relish that time. That was mu attitude in the past and still is....

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 1:36 PM

    Great responses, let's enjoy it for what it is and what we get out of it. Not for what we dislike about it.

  • jpfromuk
    627 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 1:45 PM

    Sound sentiments gents :)

  • hpurey
    11,505 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 1:56 PM

    Good to see the squirrel is still doing ok out there.  



  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 4:47 PM

    To be Honest ,  Sure the game has changed , Just like the game of life . 

    Friends come and go and Family members do also . 

    Some folks / players play each game that day the best they can ,

    Any one can blame the game for a off round score card for the day .


    Make the best of it what you can and Enjoy the ride .


    PS ,   Nice to see you Mr Winn25

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Tue, Oct 27 2015 5:59 PM

    The game is ......

    Well just that, a game  a media form with which we have all met folks we like and folks we don't, I have my friends list of which I myself am very proud ;-)

    They earned, I earned mutual respect from these guys/gals

    I know and understand I can turn on , log in and any of the great folks on my list will be happy to join in a game of any desrcription and will play to the end, if allowed.

    Golf is golf, a game is a game I'm afraid ..... I play golf

    As Opy says " Make of it what you can and enjoy"

    +1 Nice to see you becoming involved yet again Mr Ren ;-)