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St. Andrews' 1st hole

Sat, Feb 5 2011 9:25 PM (59 replies)
  • craigswan
    32,342 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 11:52 AM

    I play with starter clubs and what i do to get close on first hole is to drop short of burn and rely on bouncing over on second or third bounce and also aim right of stick with a little fade to slow ball down .Works quite often although i do land in burn sometimes but even then it is an easy chip .

  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 1:42 PM

    Well Lizzie dear, it's only "help" if the Beginner's Clubs were programmed to be more accurate. :)  Unfortunately as all of "You Paying Members" already know, They purposely programmed the Hacker Clubs to be as inaccurate as possible, so it wouldn't matter what advice anyone gives because and "Like You Already Confirmed"; your balls will always go sailing off the green for most Holes no matter how much skill you think you have.  Which is why You chose to Buy upgraded clubs in the first place because You knew it was Impossible to shoot a reasonable score with the beginner's clubs and balls too. :)

    But that's 'why' They programmed the hacker's clubs to be impossible to judge; so everyone gets frustrated and Buy's Into The Program so it won't be so frustrating.  Duh.  Hello; that's the Law of the business jungle. :)  Offer something that looks 'too good to be free' but only deliver a piece of junk.  Then tell the consumer they have to Pay for the Good Product.  Gee surprise surprise huh! :)

    But like I said; "I don't like to be conned".  So, no you won't get to see if your advice helped because; a) I can't afford it -  b) for my money, it's not that Great a gaming experience even if I could afford it -  c) all the advice in the world can't make anyone shoot a good game with hackerlike the '90-second-per-shot time limit' so I wouldn't play in a tournament anyway. :) 

    Golf is not a game to be played fast but I would have been happy to kick your fanny on any of the 4 courses hackers area allowed to play, with both of us using Beginner's Clubs.  Same goes for Noobingalltheway and I guarantee that "Noobingalltheway" can't come anywhere near "2 shots of the scores" they shoot now using hack clubs but as you said; we'll never know unless They allow people to play Matches at their own speed.

    But it's silly anyway because who no one wants to compete against each other with crappy clubs that don't do what they're supposed in the first place.  That's not a test of skill.  That's just a waste of time to see Who can Guess the Best with clubs that aren't programmed to perform properly. :)

    Anyway, maybe by some miracle, in the future They will consider my suggestion and offer One Course for Members to play using the best set of clubs and balls for Free and with no time limit?  In which case, then I'd be happy to defeat any members at their own game(tongue in cheek) and also shoot the breeze about WGT's really cool virtual golf game. :)  Otherwise it's just another 'video game' and certainly not My cup of tea to spend that kind of money just to play a Hurry-Up Virtual PC Golf game although I would probably purchase a downloadable version of any of the Courses if it was programmed with the best clubs and balls etc.  Wonder why They never thought of doing that too?  More Money in the bank! :)

    That's just my opinion and I still maintain that it looks like a very nice video game and a lot of fun to play with the right equipment and I appreciated your advice just the same.  Except, what You're really advising is that people should Pay if they want to truly enjoy the courses and I've simply explained why I won't pay for it, nothing more. :)  I'll keep checking back though to see of They changed their policy and started offering just One course with all the bells & whistles for FREE.  Then I'd be a Life-long happy WGT member whether I played in Tournaments or not.



  • Switz71
    278 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 2:35 PM

    Been a while since the starters came out of the bag. Thought I would share my approach to hole #1, off red tees. The drive was pretty basic, try to keep it in the middle right of fairway. I missed the ding by 1/2 a bar, leaving me 105 yds in with 10 in my face. Caddy smiled at me wickedly as he handed me my battered 9. I backed off ever so slightly, allowing the wind to float it in. Missed the eagle by a very unforgiving flagstick.

    Hope this helps Mr. Oldstir, in his pursuit of happiness here at good ol' WGT.

    Happy Hitting

  • Noobingalltheway
    222 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 2:36 PM

    You have been here two weeks, you come into the forums asking for advice, and yet you think you already have all the answers? Make your mind up

    Yes, WGT ARE a business, and as such they WANT to make money. As a matter of fact, most of WGT's money so far has came from investors, not the players, and I think if you look hard enough you will find that WGT are hardly making millions out of us...WGT relies on our financial support in order to give us what we ask for (not saying they always do that, but without our support they wouldn't have half of what they do now). So go ahead and criticise the paying members if you like, you won't make many friends through it, even from other non-paying members

    They haven't "programmed" the clubs to be inaccurate, but obviously the free stuff is going to be less accurate than the stuff that costs  "duh"

    Yes, there's an idea "Lets allow the noobs to use the best of everything on just one course" ...oh wait, now they're playing that same course over and over, and hitting the green from almost every drive because they still tee from the baby if sandbagging wasn't a big enough problem here already

    If you've joined this game just to whinge about it, then WHY NOT QUIT???? 

    I've been a member for about 6 weeks now and haven't sat moaning in the forums about it, not at all...I've made jokes about it, even criticised the meter stutter, but never would I criticise a business for wanting to make some cash, that's just silly. If you don't want to pay, then don't's that simple. Don't moan about it in the forums.

    You can guarantee whatever you like, but as you don't know me, and have never seen me play, you have no right to make guarantees about my play. You're just being childish over a plain and simple fact - You think you're better than the rest of us and are coming to realise that you are not.


    PS: In case you hadn't noticed, we can all use bold and underline things :)


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 2:40 PM
    Fair one Olds. A little time though,and as others have said,you can master the beginners clubs.My best ever with all free stuff was a 32 on StA f9 although admittedly this was in practice mode,so no timer,AND it was whilst a Tour Pro,so I had had a good few games to get the hang of it.At that time I had only managed a 33/34 with my then set of upgraded clubs. At the end of the day,it still IS a video style game,but then thats how come I arrived in the first place,I wasn't looking for real golf,and was a little peeved to find that it wasn't as free as it had first seemed.Now,a few months on I find I enjoy it enough to stay here,and don't mind earning credits to pay for the dalliance,nor indeed advancing real cash,but I think that has more to do with me rather enjoying shopping than any perceived benefit from equipment with better attributes.I guess thats a side order of bonus chicken. I think,but neither know for sure nor care very much really,that 100 credits equals a dollar,which in real money is 50p.That same 50p could buy me one of the following, half of a newspaper,a vending machine coffee,ten chewy sweets,a quarter of a Big Issue,one new bootlace but not really so very much else.If I spend it here,I can get chattels from the pro shop,but more importantly,the ability to connect with people I never knew,enjoy a tale or two,maybe help someone if I can,and a video game with some fabby scenery and a lot of frustration mixed with pleasure. Thats a bargain in my eyes.Each to their own. Lizzie
  • Noobingalltheway
    222 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 2:48 PM

    Agree entirely with your logic Lizzie. I'm fairly sure 50p can also buy you an hour with a hooker where I'm from too, though of course that's just hear say...

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 2:56 PM

    Are you allowed an Eagle with a hooker though?

  • Switz71
    278 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 3:04 PM

    Yes but she charges triple and wants cheerios after :)

  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 3:06 PM

    Just to clarify.............50 pence is equal to about 85 cents US, while 50 pounds is equal to about $85 US.  You can get a soda for one of those but pretty sure you can't get a hooker with the 50 pence, at least not one you would want   lol

    Regarding play.  I started with beginners and played with them for a few weeks.  Bought a Rapture driver and made master (the old master level) with it.  After making it to the old master level, I bought an R9 and Ping irons plus a putter.  I have since replaced the R9 with a new level 80 R9.

    The 1st hole at St Andrews with the right front pin is tough with starter clubs, with good clubs it is an easy birdie hole with pretty much any wind.  I have eagled it a few times in the past without the help of a hooker.

    Love your posts Lizzie hope we can play soon.

  • Noobingalltheway
    222 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 3:11 PM

    I'll ask around and get back to you on that one Lizzie...are you interested if so?