You have been here two weeks, you come into the forums asking for advice, and yet you think you already have all the answers? Make your mind up
Yes, WGT ARE a business, and as such they WANT to make money. As a matter of fact, most of WGT's money so far has came from investors, not the players, and I think if you look hard enough you will find that WGT are hardly making millions out of us...WGT relies on our financial support in order to give us what we ask for (not saying they always do that, but without our support they wouldn't have half of what they do now). So go ahead and criticise the paying members if you like, you won't make many friends through it, even from other non-paying members
They haven't "programmed" the clubs to be inaccurate, but obviously the free stuff is going to be less accurate than the stuff that costs "duh"
Yes, there's an idea "Lets allow the noobs to use the best of everything on just one course" ...oh wait, now they're playing that same course over and over, and hitting the green from almost every drive because they still tee from the baby if sandbagging wasn't a big enough problem here already
If you've joined this game just to whinge about it, then WHY NOT QUIT????
I've been a member for about 6 weeks now and haven't sat moaning in the forums about it, not at all...I've made jokes about it, even criticised the meter stutter, but never would I criticise a business for wanting to make some cash, that's just silly. If you don't want to pay, then don't's that simple. Don't moan about it in the forums.
You can guarantee whatever you like, but as you don't know me, and have never seen me play, you have no right to make guarantees about my play. You're just being childish over a plain and simple fact - You think you're better than the rest of us and are coming to realise that you are not.
PS: In case you hadn't noticed, we can all use bold and underline things :)