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Wed, Jan 26 2011 2:30 AM (2 replies)
  • cwaigywaigy
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jan 25 2011 1:34 PM

    how do you get to play games where you can earn money??????

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Tue, Jan 25 2011 4:12 PM

    You send me 2000 credits a month(recurring) and I will guide you step by step.


    You choose the tournies that offer credits as prizes,or play match play challenge games against other people,betting for credits.

    My original suggestion will be the cheapest for you in the long run.

    As for money,actual wonga,its simple,you don't.Everything you do here is for credits only,which when you amass 100's of 1000's,you can exchange for vouchers and gifts.In the meantime,enjoy.



  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Wed, Jan 26 2011 2:30 AM

    how do you get to play games where you can earn money??????

    You can win credits and other prizes depending on how well you play...but it depends on the tournament or completion.  Some, like Country Club tournaments, offer no prizes at all and you play just for fun.  Most of the Closest To The Hole (CTTH) tournaments, but not all, are random drawing contests.  Be sure to check out the tournament rules for more details. 

    For more information on this and other subjects, look at the Getting Started and FAQs sections over there------->


    EDIT: You can earn credits for participating in offers and surveys...check out the Get Credits section above.  Credits are used to play in the fee based competions and to buy stuff in the Pro Shop.