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I would like to know the reason why?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 4 2015 6:15 AM (7 replies)
  • Elmo56
    285 Posts
    Fri, Nov 20 2015 10:10 PM

    Why cant people play in tournaments together?

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2015 9:15 AM


    Why cant people play in tournaments together?

     Would you really want too . Considering all the problems players are having when playing A/S or match play . It would seem easy to implement since there already is the ability for multi player games . Just add the invite option to tournament settings and just make sure to only play unlimited play tourneys . That way if disconnected you cant get d/qed . Maybe in the future it just might happen . In fact would be a great CC function as well .


  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2015 10:26 AM

    The first reason may have been to avoid additional programming effort. When I joined (2011) there was rumour of an anti-cheat thinking, to avoid one guy help the other or play as a double team or ... or ...

    Anyway, WGT has confirmed a few times that this will not be changed.

  • kersh1976
    2,790 Posts
    Sat, Nov 21 2015 5:20 PM

    Great Idea but with the multitude of connection issues, I think 75% of the games wouldn't get finished.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Nov 22 2015 10:23 AM


    i heard this for a while but i personally don't think it's a good idea for us.

     not only then you won't get unfair insight on putts and such, but also sometimes when you are in a tournament, shot clock is your nemesis.. I know many players who often take 5 minutes for an important putt, or take a break after 9 holes. Neither of this would be possible....


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Tue, Nov 24 2015 6:48 AM

    WGTicon -  In real life tournaments considered important enough to enforce the "One Ball Rule" players are often put "on the clock". They are not given unlimited time to shoot. Simply put the 90 second clock as the mandatory clock in all WGT tournaments, single player rounds or not. That keeps the game level for all players.

    The tournament shot clock could then be expanded to country club tournaments where the tournament "designer" could choose whether to allow twosomes and up with the mandatory 90 second timer. It would really improve the country club experience.

    Either immediately or eventually WGT could expand the country club tournament setup options to include the various shot clock lengths. You may see a lot more business as clubs are setting up more and more tournaments with varying shot clocks.

    There is no unfair insight on putts and such compared to real life either. In any given round players watch the other players' shot for insight. On some shots my playing partners are watching my shots when I shoot first and on others I'm watching theirs when they shoot first. It evens out over the course of the round.


  • Frankp1157
    635 Posts
    Tue, Nov 24 2015 10:35 AM

    I get insight on all shots from my competitors ITS PART OF THE GAME how many times have you seen a pro step in behind his playing competitor to get a teach off his putt? Its all part of the game, I also like to use the cameras to see how the ball reacts when it hits a certain place on the fairway or green, again all part of the game...and as far as a shot clock meh i can play on a 30 sec shot clock as i mostly play by feel with just estimated maths.


  • Elmo56
    285 Posts
    Fri, Dec 4 2015 6:15 AM

    Thank you all for your reply's.