ISH47: This isn't going to end well...
This isn't going to end well...
I just love quoting myself...
WGTShamWow: andyson: Sneak Peek? I love this!
andyson: Sneak Peek?
Sneak Peek?
I love this!
Great stuff right there Andy!!! hehe ..
Well you're eventually gonna have to pay the boatman...anyway, it's all Greek to me.
1enigma1:Great stuff right there Andy!!! hehe ..
Sure is, but you enlarging them will have Andy heading straight back into photoshop.
This will bug the hell out of him, lol -
PaulTon: Sure is, but you enlarging them will have Andy heading straight back into photoshop. This will bug the hell out of him, lol -
Nah! I think my A-R therapy is working PT!
andyson:Nah! I think my A-R therapy is working PT!
Is there a toll free number I can use? ;)
PaulTon:Is there a toll free number I can use? ;)
Yep, try
no, it's 1-800-LET-ITGO
**oops again**
it's 1-800-IMF-USSY
Seems they were away breeding
DodgyPutter:Seems they were away breeding
LMAO mine went up from 30K to 39,400K, must have had triplets.
Based on the amount of high-octane invective to be found elsewhere in the forums they might consider naming these 'bitchcoins'.