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Coin balance?

Sun, Mar 22 2020 6:37 PM (108 replies)
  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 7:28 AM


    So it appears coins will be used for getting  coin clubs (attributes unknown) but from my research, can be quite high levels (MK8 - level 80). I assume the start at MK1 - presumably level 10?

    Coins other uses? Renting..........ideas?

    Question remains and is intriguing - how is the amount each player derived?

    Alan, where did you see these clubs?  I couldn't find them in the pro shop...and good question about each player's amount of coins.


  • borntobesting
    9,747 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 9:39 AM

    Alan, where did you see these clubs?  I couldn't find them in the pro shop...and good question about each player's amount of coins.

    Right now they coin gear is only available on the Android version of WGT Mobile. And from what I could tell you don't actually buy them. A 7 day rental of the MK-8 club set is 4 million coins.Yes 4 million

    Mobile head to head can now be played for coins. I just played a 3 hole head to head. The one I played you put up 100 coins with the chance to win 180. In case of a tie like I got you both get your coins back. The matches if you want to call them that go from a chance to win 180 coins  to win with a 100 coin entry fee to  a chance to win 900,000 coins with a 500,000 coin entry fee.

    They are calling the lobby if you will rooms and at this time there 6 rooms 4 which are for 3 hole matches and the other 2 are 9 hole matches. But matches is not really the right word as they are all stroke play played in practice mode.

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 10:27 AM

    Joe, thanks for the info.  The whole deal sounds pretty inflationary.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2015 8:56 AM

    I'm tempted to have a look at this Mobile stuff, but if I used my wifes' phone for it, and she found out, she'd have my nuts cut off and tossed in the fish pond...

  • supermann8
    38 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2015 9:26 AM

    i see no coins in or around my account...and have been a member very long time



  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Mon, Dec 14 2015 11:37 AM


    i see no coins in or around my account...and have been a member very long time



    In ur case, I'd imagine they will come two by two.


    N.B. > PaulTon:- that's a little joke of my own making.

  • KWallst
    253 Posts
    Sat, Jan 9 2016 1:52 PM

    Alan, where did you see these clubs?  I couldn't find them in the pro shop...and good question about each player's amount of coins.

    The link is below.  I saw some hack shoot 26 at the Pebble New York Life Tourney last month.


  • Meltyke
    498 Posts
    Mon, Feb 8 2016 1:23 AM

    I would hope WGT can be somewhat creative with use of coins. Rentals is a good start but what about improving the benefits of higher level country clubs? At present no real incentive to get beyond levels that give free shotpal unless you want hundreds of members and tourney speeds ( silly ultra slow and ultra fast do not appeal to many)

    So what about some creative ideas such as in real golf? 

    Rental of a "ball retriever" would be one suggestion. Using this would allow a player to "retrieve" a ball in a water hazard ( as in real golf) It could have a limited life.... So many balls only .....but would surely encourage players to buy some more expensive balls knowing they had at least a limited retrieval rate ...... Maybe they would then buy more of these balls ....thus making some money for WGT ?

    This could be linked to the coin credit, or only at certain CC levels ?

    2,580 Posts
    Mon, Feb 8 2016 1:44 AM

    Ok, so this is news to me. I havent been on much to notice this thread was here. Ive gone looking for these coins, but dont see them anywhere. Are they still up on the site, or have they been taken down folks? Im looking at where i buy credits, so could be looking in the wrong place, lol.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Feb 8 2016 2:09 AM

    You'd need the Android app AFAIS.

    On a different matter:

    Seeing this draft,

    I'm asking myself if it's by chance that "icon" is an anagram to "coin"?