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Coin balance?

Sun, Mar 22 2020 6:37 PM (108 replies)
  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 11:46 AM

    Coins will be free and earned through play.

    Will CC be able to award them through our tournaments?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 11:59 AM


    Right now coins cannot be used for anything and we inadvertently displayed them. Coins are a test feature in response to comments that the game is too expensive. We will be testing this new feature in the future where free coins can be used for renting specific equipment in the Pro Shop.  Coins will be free and earned through play. Various amounts of coins will be given to players for free. Coins and Credits will remain separate and the value of your Credits and how they are used will not be changed. Since the cat is out of the bag, this is a great chance for us to hear from you and digest the constructive feedback.


    - WGTdbloshoe



    Thanks DB, that is a much better answer.

    I am sort of confused on the differentiation of Coins and Credits. is the only difference in the ability to rent something for free via coins? If so this function has my seal of approval as it will reduce "bad purchases" which equals bad will from the customers.

    For me having a bank feature is critical to this game, CC's contribute a huge amount via ball use, yet the ability to have a prize pool is difficult. I understand the requirement to temper the minority who could abuse the system. So is there a way to integrate coins for this purpose?

    You say earning coins will be via game play, does this mean players will earn coins and credits for WGT Tourneys?

    I suppose the downside if coins can be only used to rent equipment, then there becomes a point they are useless (high level players). On the subject of rental clubs, I would like all rental clubs to be allowed in practice mode ONLY - every free weekend you see dormant accounts suddenly blitzing the lower tiers.

  • Ladychipper
    23,163 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 12:01 PM

    May I ask how you base your decision on how many coins each person gets? 

    I am confused because some people have gotten 50,000, some 30,000 and some, like me, only 5,000. 

    Thank You,

    Marion :-)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 12:05 PM

    you and digest the constructive feedback.

    If it brings rental costs down to more sensible levels I can see that is good for all.  IMHO under no circumstances should you be able to use them to gift rental equipment, unless said equipment is excluded from credit tourneys.  

    Cautious thumbs up if WGT keep sensible with it.   

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 12:16 PM

    Cautious thumbs up if WGT keep sensible with it.  

    This ^^^

  • MainzMan
    9,591 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 12:24 PM

    Interesting, sounds like a nice feature if it works properly.  Thanks for being up front about it Shoe.


    I am confused because some people have gotten 50,000, some 30,000 and some, like me, only 5,000. 

    I wonder if our activity over the last week or so is having an effect?  Could it be that those who have played a lot or maybe won credits in weekly tournaments have more coins than those who have played little or not won anything?

    This would make sense.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 12:27 PM

    Ok let's see what I can answer.....

    Coins are not going to replace credits.  All the tournaments that pay out credits now will continue to pay out credits.  In the future I would imagine there will be the possibility of Coin only tournaments, but that is down the road.

    At this time I am not able to discuss why certain players got a certain number of coins compared to others. 

    Coins will not be something that CC's can award.

    We will be rolling out with more information in the future. Coins really are intended to try and make the game more affordable to certain players.  I know it's new and scary to all who love this game, but the feature is a good one and will only add to aspects of the game.  Not take away from it.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 12:28 PM

    Coins will be free and earned through play.

    My 2 cents on how NOT to earn coins through play!


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 12:31 PM

    I never rent equipment just upgrade through time and then get on with it. So hopefully you can use them toward balls.....If not then nothings changed so fine with me

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Dec 3 2015 1:34 PM


    We will be rolling out with more information in the future. Coins really are intended to try and make the game more affordable to certain players.  I know it's new and scary to all who love this game, but the feature is a good one and will only add to aspects of the game.  Not take away from it.

    - WGTdbloshoe

    If the system developed for the use of the Coins is such that it benefits players in countries other than the US by taking the financial burden off of them I would be all for it. The way it stands right now US players can earn free credits much easier than anyone else living elsewhere. If they choose not to that is their choice. If they do not have the time to look for the free credits due to work and family then less their choice but still in a good measure it is their choice. While Canadians and members from the UK have some chance to exist on free credits; outside of those other 2 WGT is pretty much pay to play. 

    That said I too am in the position of not needing to rent anything as my inventory contains every club from Level 98 to Level 103. So no harm no foul if the only thing is free rentals or extending the length of the rental. But I would hope that WGT can get a little more creative with them - well at least more creative then I am at the moment.
