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Handicap System for Club Owners

Mon, Jun 13 2016 5:00 AM (4 replies)
  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sat, Dec 19 2015 10:29 AM

    It's almost two years since we started using handicaps at the FPGC, and with some tweaks along the way, I think we've got it as good as could be.  Our system is working very well atm.   If any club owners would like to try using handicaps the way we do, see our system below.

    We don't have any members above legend tier, but any future members above legend  -if scores warrant them- will be given plus handicaps.  Our club directors update  handicaps once each month, varying three and four weeks between updates.


    Their are three handicap grades: A, B and C.

    A   =   0 (min) to minus -2    

    B   =  -3  to  -6     > Legends and T. Masters are capped at -5 max

    C.  =  -7  to  -8 (max)

    All of our credit tournaments are graded.  Members can enter only those tournaments graded (A,B or C) for their handicap. This gives all grades a better chance of winning credits, competing against members of similar ability, and has solved the problem of a small handful of members winning most of the credit tournaments.   This was the main reason why we started using them. Some tournaments are graded to include A & B handicappers.

    A quick look at our last 13 credit tournaments shows 11 different winners, only one player having won more than one credit tournament.  Proof if ever it was needed that the handicap system spreads out the winnings.

    Handicaps are calculated from the relevant best five of last ten  9 and 18 hole games, excluding  P3 (par 3),  P5 (par 5)SC (starter clubs),  UL (uneven lies) and ET (easier tee) games.

    9 hole round scores are doubled to get an 18 hole score.     

    Handicaps are based on 60 being the entry to Tour Legend tier, that's the scratch score to work from for all tiers.  

    Our calculus is loosely based on the '96% method' in the USGA's GHIN system.

    Using the 60 as your scratch guide, round to above or below decimal .5


    Best five of last ten relevant rounds = 334 Div by 5 = 66.8 x 96% = 64.1 = 64 (60)  

                                                                                                   h/cap =  -4   Grade B


                 A       315 and under =   0

                                         316-320 =   -1

                                              321-325 =   -2

                                  B              326-330 =   -3

                                                        331-335 =   -4

                                                             336-341 =   -5

                                                                  342-346 =   -6

                                                        C            347-351 =   -7

                                                                                  352+ =   -8 

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Fri, Dec 25 2015 3:29 PM

    I'll reply asap to any questions.

  • bonecaster
    2 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2016 7:38 AM

    how do you do the payout? it wont show the results with the handicaps figured in .

  • WoodyJeep
    1,961 Posts
    Sun, May 22 2016 5:43 AM


    how do you do the payout? it wont show the results with the handicaps figured in .

    He is saying a player who is rated "A" level can only compete in the CC tourney's labeled "A" level.  They control who is allowed to enter which tournaments vs everybody playing together and then applying the handicap.


    That is a great idea only allowing certain handicaps to play each other.  But, we have tried a complicated handicapping system.  So far, I have found that the simpler system is to just use the WGT average.  If I'm a legend with an average of 70 and play a master with an average of 70, we can expect to shoot about the same score on the same course.  Them from their tees and me from mine.

    In stroke play use the WGT average.  Skins and Match play is a whole "nother" thing!


  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2016 5:00 AM

    USING the averages is not a true balance of competition, we have players here at lower tier with average higher than some higher tiers. Our system works really well and isn't complicated, we use handicaps mainly in stroke play .  The objective is to achieve fair play for all members which we do.

    We've had our first member get to Tour Legend tier recently, and because of this and other needed changes, we tweaked our handicap system again. This will be the final adjustment, I think it's as good as can be.


          A          304 and less  +2     Minimum                               

                A          305 - 309 =  +1

                      A         310 - 315 =  0             

                            A         316 - 320 =   -1     Max for T. Legends

                                  A         321 - 325 =   -2      

                                               326 - 330 =   -3

                                              B        331 - 335 =   -4     Max for Legends & T.Masters

                                                    B        336 - 341 =   -5

                                                          B        342 - 346 =   -6     Max for Masters      

                                                               C        347 - 351 =   -7    

                                                                      C      352 - 358      -8    

                                                                             C    359+             -9    Maximum 

                                               Handicap Grades

    Min +2  to -2   (-1 Max for TL)             

                   B -3 to -6  (-4 Max for L and TM)  (-6 Max for Masters)

                                 C -7 to -9 Max