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What makes a club great?

rated by 0 users
Tue, Dec 22 2015 8:29 AM (14 replies)
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  • sportsup
    317 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 4:34 AM

    Our country club just reached level 14, which is awesome. Unfortunately, it added no new benefits for members. Which got me to pondering, what is it that makes a club great?

     Now I know the founder of my country club spends a LOT of time pondering and working on this question, too, and I appreciate that.

    So here’s my take on what makes a club great. We play the game to have fun, and the social aspect is a big part of that. Unfortunately, the game lacks a club house where multiple players can interact simultaneously, nor do we have cc chat which would achieve a similar objective. So what’s the point of even joining a club?

    1. Putter Pal and Shot Pal. These are by far the biggest benefits. It sure ain’t the unnoticeable 1-5% addition of XP points.

    2. Tournaments. These are great for very obsessive players who are willing to grind 18 holes solo “unlimitedly”, but what about for normal players? Not much of a benefit . . .

    3. Free stuff. Some clubs give you stuff for logging in everyday or using the club logo in your profile pic of for other stuff. That’s nice, if you can qualify, and while maybe it’s not exactly fun, a perk’s a perk.

    And . . . that’s all I can think of, which ain’t much. Basically, cc’s are interchangeable. Being in a “top ten” cc doesn’t make the game any noticeably funner than being in any other mid-level cc, in my opinion.

    Any thoughts?

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 12:25 PM

    Highly creative tourneys.

    The only drawback is the often encountered requirement of posting scorecards to add/subtract based on some goal. It's possible to cheat.

    Getting a stroke knocked off your final score for every fairway missed. 

    Reverse Eclectic. Play the same venue 3 times and your worst score on each hole of the 3 is your final score for that hole. 

    Bid. Participants declare their final score before the round. The bids could be held in secret by using a moderator/PM arrangement. That is their score if they meet or exceed it. A tiebreaker would probably be needed. 

    I could go on. CCs need a few very creative folk. 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 12:43 PM

    To make a great club you need great people.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 2:08 PM


    A 10 score again, Courteney!

    In a few more words, one of the benefits is the social bond with all associated advantages:

    Supporting, trusting, complementing each other...

    It's certainly not at which CC level a club stands, though this money-grabbing business model shows what people do for their community. Unfortunately, the major benefit of that goes to our hosts.

    It starts with reliable partners for MP games. They won't quit randomly.

    And, someone might want to maintain a channel in IRC or TS3 for the CC, or build a homepage for common activities and knowledge collection. Or, give some of his money or credits for fellow members, or.. or... or...

    When in a good CC, you're with friends in this virtual reality!

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 2:51 PM

    Our advert stipulates what goes on in our club, click my play history to see variation. Possibly just playing use your free pass and easy xp building comps are for some, but not us

    Plus we dont poach.........your owner does nothing but. and all for the promise of some lake balls if you hit 4000 or 5000xps per day

    You asked.

  • Duffthestuff44
    30 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 3:06 PM

    Seems to me the country clubs are all about big numbers and getting as many members as possible. Is that what truly makes a country club? Running tournaments with only a handful of players having the chance of winning minimal prizes does that make a country club? The concept of tournament play and country club can truly be changed if it is about the people. Knowing your players, being organized, having fun!

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 3:35 PM

    +1  ...........  I would like to share from my experience  a few  thing .  First  you have to be patient  invite many to join your CC at first ,  Then with time  many will go  many will stay and start interacting ,paying  together .     With  Time  the great people of your CC  will get more involve ,  let them set up  Inside  the CC    Games  & special events ....    That  in time will bring other members .    In  most      big clubs  ...if we get 25% of members  playing, participating on a regular basis  ,  doing something positive  for  their CC  it is  good  %...... In time  the cream of  good people  rise to the top  ,and  the 25%   start to go up ........  the longer  a club is together big or small ,the better  the quality  of members   ,and the skills  (level,average, ect)   of your members  go up to .        And   last, a good  President  or owner  ,and  many members being  officer  all on their own  accord ,all  being friends with each other is  the key to a  good club .      Many other  things could be said   and all would be   positive .                 :)           +1    Courteney    .    

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 3:49 PM

    This thread doesn't yet have many responses...yet two words were mentioned that seem to be present in every thread, regardless of original subject matter.."Cheating and Poaching"

    Whether factual or not, it's kind of sad...


    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 7:18 PM

    To make a great club you need a great leader.

    You need variety and volume in tournaments

    A great leader who is decisive, who can delegate, motivate, educate and appreciate.

    Happy Members = Happy life


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2015 8:30 PM


    This thread doesn't yet have many responses...yet two words were mentioned that seem to be present in every thread, regardless of original subject matter.."Cheating and Poaching"

    Whether factual or not, it's kind of sad...


      :)  Play for fun   ,   play with friends  ... and  the Cheating and Poaching    you say ,,,will not  affect you    at all  ,    keep  betting  at a minimal ,   that club member  winning often because he is good   , only  going to make  you a better player .   If   you see it that way     you will be an asset to your club  ,or you will be a great   club Owner . People here on this great thread would say   the same .  :)


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