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New CC owner needs help / advice

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 25 2015 10:40 AM (22 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Dec 22 2015 3:44 AM


    Has the previous owner left the club? Sometimes by having them quit it sorts the problem. You can re-invite after.

    The CC is called Cosa Nostra ('our thing"): "a US criminal organization resembling and related to the Mafia."'s actually a little concerning when the Don...errr...owner, disappears.!

    just sayin'

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Tue, Dec 22 2015 4:07 AM


    Has the previous owner left the club? Sometimes by having them quit it sorts the problem. You can re-invite after.

    I'm having similar problems to John,  with the whole stickiness thing.  Thanks for the advice, Courteney.

    I must say though,  it's a bit of a nasty work around having a former owner leave the CC (albeit to quickly return) before all the tools are transferred to the new owner

    It's fortunate for me that the former owner of my CC is an understanding soul,  So I'd just like to say,   "Moose,  pack your bags, you're leaving ! "


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Dec 22 2015 6:59 AM

  • ScottHope
    10,616 Posts
    Tue, Dec 22 2015 7:07 AM

    Is that a 'selfie' 1i, hehe.  : )

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Dec 22 2015 7:29 AM



    Has the previous owner left the club? Sometimes by having them quit it sorts the problem. You can re-invite after.

    The CC is called Cosa Nostra ('our thing"): "a US criminal organization resembling and related to the Mafia."'s actually a little concerning when the Don...errr...owner, disappears.!

    just sayin'


    the oneeyed tranny is calling the 'shots' now


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2015 4:03 PM

    I am getting nowhere fast with this.

    Former owner was removed and reinvited back, but that has not changed  my lack of forum tools.

    Customer Support has not offered anything worthwhile, so what on earth do i do.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2015 9:04 PM

    When I took over the Peoples Club this problem happened to me. I was without the tools for well over a year. Eventually WGT got them back for me, something they told me had to be done during a downtime and individually.

    They also said it was time consuming and they don't do it as a matter of course. I think they only did it for me because they were fed up of my constant e-mails.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2015 10:25 PM

    I've had a response from WGT member services,  and if I want they will pin and unpin various CC threads which is good but doesn't fully resolve the problem. As in the future ,I might want to pin other threads or unpin ,whatever.

    I'm guessing the office is closed now for the Christmas break,   maybe they will fix this at the next downtime ?

    I'm not holding my breath on that ,though.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2015 12:09 AM

    Former owner was removed and reinvited back, but that has not changed  my lack of forum tools.

    This only solved some shortcomings for the former owner in my CC... Courteney, why did you leave and rejoin after handing TPC over to Edward? And, did solve any problems?


    Without any liability:

    Since it's impossible or at least cumbersome to leave as an owner, someone might try out to leave and re-enter before becoming the owner? With a tad of luck, it might solve some dormant reasons for later problems(?)

    (but nobody will know if it was of any use :(  )

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2015 9:14 AM

    Courteney and I followed the sequence that we had heard / worked the best for the transfer of ownership for The Peoples Club.

    We were actually PMing each other with Shoe getting every PM - lol.

    1) She clicked transfer owner.

    2) I opened the e-mail from WGT and accepted.

    Those two steps Put me as the owner at the top of the CC Home Page but in the membership list Courteney was the owner and I was the Director.

    So I went into the CC and poked around. I had no owner tools tab nor did I have the ability to remove members or lock / delete posts.

    3) Courteney then left The Peoples Club and waited.

    4) I went back to the CC homepage after exiting WGT completely and on returning I was the owner at the top and in the members list. I had all the tools of an owner so all was good.

    5) I invited Courteney back into The Peoples Club and she arrived back as a recruit who promptly was made Director.

    Everything has worked fine ever since.

    Maybe the problem for One I is that he waited too long before the old owner left...