Courteney and I followed the sequence that we had heard / worked the best for the transfer of ownership for The Peoples Club.
We were actually PMing each other with Shoe getting every PM - lol.
1) She clicked transfer owner.
2) I opened the e-mail from WGT and accepted.
Those two steps Put me as the owner at the top of the CC Home Page but in the membership list Courteney was the owner and I was the Director.
So I went into the CC and poked around. I had no owner tools tab nor did I have the ability to remove members or lock / delete posts.
3) Courteney then left The Peoples Club and waited.
4) I went back to the CC homepage after exiting WGT completely and on returning I was the owner at the top and in the members list. I had all the tools of an owner so all was good.
5) I invited Courteney back into The Peoples Club and she arrived back as a recruit who promptly was made Director.
Everything has worked fine ever since.
Maybe the problem for One I is that he waited too long before the old owner left...