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New CC owner needs help / advice

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 25 2015 10:40 AM (22 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Thu, Dec 24 2015 4:45 PM

    U cud be right there Ed. I noticed when I eventually got the email , oops, I didn't get the email to transfer , we had to contact Customer Servies and they put a link in there for me to click, and when I did, I became owner but only as Ed says in the homepage banner. I was still a Director in the member list.

    That did eventually change ( less than a day ), but why and how I dunno.

    Anyway the upshot is I do not have all the owners tools.

    I have asked CS today to login to my account, and redo the whole transfer business using one of their accounts as the go-between

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Dec 25 2015 8:35 AM

    If they do that it should work. I have read of a couple of successful attempts where an owner without all the tools transfers to another member and then that member transfers it back has worked.

    Hope WGT gives you that Christmas present 1 i

    PS - Courteney and I asked WGT (Icon and Shoe) what the best procedural was and they replied along the lines of there is no perfect procedure.

  • kirla
    73 Posts
    Fri, Dec 25 2015 10:40 AM


    U cud be right there Ed. I noticed when I eventually got the email , oops, I didn't get the email to transfer , we had to contact Customer Servies and they put a link in there for me to click, and when I did, I became owner but only as Ed says in the homepage banner. I was still a Director in the member list.

    That did eventually change ( less than a day ), but why and how I dunno.

    Anyway the upshot is I do not have all the owners tools.

    I have asked CS today to login to my account, and redo the whole transfer business using one of their accounts as the go-between


    for owners who lost there owner tools, this link worked for me. .