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The Georgian is a Joke

Tue, Jan 5 2016 4:10 PM (135 replies)
  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 10:33 PM

    This is a game and you are using words like = saving lives !

    Go to bed and let this thread sleap as well.

  • wbc4
    14 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 10:59 PM

    I don't know what the deal is with many of you folks. I'm a member of The Georgian and have never.... NEVER... been asked, much less required to buy a pass. When I joined I was told they like members to be active. What's wrong with that? If I didn't like the idea or thought I would not be so, I would not have joined.

    Since joining, on at least two occasions I was unable to play for a short period and also unable to explain it or notify the owner. There was no drama, I was not booted, but if I had been I have no doubt I would have been welcomed back after my "issues" were resolved (assuming I hadn't gotten butt-hurt about something I should have expected and started unnecessary drama about it).

    So here's the deal. The Georgian is a club, like plenty of others, that openly and up-front asks its members to be active. If you like that and can accommodate it, join us or one of the other good clubs who ask it. If you don't or can't be that active, no problem, there are plenty of other great clubs out there that don't require that level of activity.

    Case closed. Move on people.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 11:41 PM

    But , we can't let these Hiltler-worshipping swine have it all their own way.

    Not sure if Solar has had way too much to drink, is joking or thinks his very poor analogies have any relevance to WGT, but regardless, this is the babbling of an idiot.

    Distasteful and ignorance is on show and deserves whatever is bestowed on him.

    You have had your 15 minutes of infamy, now run along.

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2016 1:37 AM

    Thanks for the flowers, Paul.


    WGT FORCE you to buy passes, not The Georgian.
      V You make  a lot of very good points . In this you are referring to the " clash " . In which to accumulate points it is required to use ( or buy passes ) . A round without a pass can be played with virtually no points produced . are both wrong IMHO.

    @RD: WGT makes but an offer to use paid passes, players may accept it or not.
    I consider the group force of a community like Georgian responsible - players must buy passes to be considered supporting members. Then, they are mousetrapped by the company because they are unlikely to see any free passes again in that event.

    @pdb1: Let me recap that a round without a pass is not a Clash round - it will not produce any Clash points.

  • roaddawgstyle
    305 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2016 6:47 AM

    4. Yes there are limits to the friends you can have, I add CC members and others i play Alt Games against who I get on with so my friends list grows, sometimes I notice that i've lost a few but not due to with of us removing it. Guessing its a WGT fault.

    You are guessing wrong it is because the other party removed you as a friend, and if you ask them about it well then it is just easier for them to blame it on WGT then to fess up and say Yeah dude I removed you.

    3. If you buy passes for whatever reason, knowing the above, do you not think it would be a sensible idea to tell someone?? Common sense if you ask me. I think Solar hit the nail on the head when they said this to you as well. 

    Would have told someone if she had the common courtesy to ask, not just go with the boot from club and drop from friends list option.

    1. You can't be 'poached', you were simply invited to which you accepted. 

    The poaching thing is in response to members from The Georgian saying other clubs are doing it to them I am just pointing out that Sue does the same thing, not saying there is anything wrong with it. Just don't do the pot calling the kettle black thing.

    As for accepting the invitation I didn't I declined, I came over months later when I was looking for a new CC.

    RoadDawg because they're the ones throwing mud

    not mud slinging just pointing out facts it is these facts that are showing flaws in someones character

    I'm loving this thread

    Me Too, glad I started it

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2016 6:54 AM


    This is a game and you are using words like = saving lives !

    Go to bed and let this thread sleap as well.

    This isn't the game, this is the forum where open discourse is encouraged (the game is a different selection on the menu). I've played a few rounds with Pete (SF) and he is basically a good guy...IMHO, he is joking around, although the subject matter is rather tasteless. Mathia was smart enough to leave this alone after his initial comment, and my suggestion to Pete is to do the same..some things just aren't meant to be subject matter for humour. 

    To wit: even the late night comics don't touch the Jared Fogles of the world, or 9/11 events.

  • roaddawgstyle
    305 Posts
    Sat, Jan 2 2016 7:02 AM

    Back to the character thing, when she heard I had 50 passes her response "we will gladly  have you back and you can use those passes up". So see I was capable I buying my way back in but fool me once it is on you, second time is on me.