RoadDawg - As I can't be bothered with quoting everything like everyone here I'll simply make simple responses to you responding me my initial points.
1: You are wrong, not me, about the friends issue. I play Alt Games with a regular partner, one day we became unfriended, he in fact contacted me to ask whys up. It wasn't me that unfriended so clearly a WGT issue. And as confirmed by someone else already in this thread, and others i've asked in the past, it's clearly an issue. Not as you made out that people unfriending people and lying as to why.
2: Why would anyone ask? You expect someone to say to you one day... "hey, sorry seen you've not played for a while, is it because you've bought a load of passes and don't want to use them until a clash?". Come on, think about it. You were a member of a club that asks and expect players to contribute XP's daily. If you don't, you should either expect to be removed or pre-empt that by telling someone why.
3: I wasn't talking about who poaches who, merely that people get invited not poached. You declined, then decided at a later date to accept and join. People invite people, that's part and parcel of CC's. But lets be real, you can't be poached, you can only be invited.
4: Fair bit of mud slinging going on to be fair. 10 pages in fact.
One more thing, I'm confused, so you got booted for not playing and contributing. The reason for this is because you bought a load of passes but didn't want to use them until a clash. You were annoyed you got booted but when Sue (the owner for those of you who are reading this and may not know) then found out the reason why you hadn't been using passes and contributing and invited you back... have I missed something?