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How many CC's are there?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jan 1 2016 3:02 PM (2 replies)
  • Dozer100
    13 Posts
    Thu, Dec 31 2015 11:14 AM

    I am the owner of TW Jupiter Island CC and in CC Clash #14 we came in 158th position our best finish ever. What I am wondering is how many clubs typically participate in these clashes? In addition I would be curious to know the total number of Country Clubs WGT has right now? Is there any way, other than WGT answering this request,  to look up this information on my own? Thanks.


  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Fri, Jan 1 2016 11:08 AM

    About 18 months ago Shoe mentioned in the Forum that there were in excess of 44,000 CCs in WGT.

    So by now any number between 50,000 and 60,000 is probably equally likely.

    Of course the vast majority of these CCs are 1 - 10 members where no member has even played WGT in the last year +