I play on a rather newer model iMac and have been for the past year and a half. I have most recently encountered extreme latency and lag in Multiplayer games after the first 3-6 holes. It is unplayable causing me to close out my browser and restart. This is the first time I have encountered a continuous problem. I have troubleshooted over and over (forums, tweeking Adobe etc). I currently use the Safari browser with nothing but success over the years until this point. Again this only occurs in Multiplayer rounds with other players. I've come to a conclusion that there is some sort of server problem, or the issue is with my ISP. Speed tests and other internet activity don't point to an ISP issue. I'm also hard-lined through a cable modem. Is anyone else having similar issues? I don't understand why this has all of a sudden started occurring? I've cleaned out my computer from dust and such as well but the issue doesn't point to hardware.