Today brings the addition of a new member of Management to the team. After recent restructuring we have decided to operate our recruitment in a different manner. All recruits will play a game with a Director before admission to our club. We are aiming for Quality not Quantity.
With that in mind our resident Champion will be our new Recruitment Director.
Would you like to join a Country Club (LEVEL 7) with great members? Are you an active member who wants to be part of a close community of like minded individuals? Are you someone who enjoys playing in both club tournaments and games with/against other members? Will you contribute to the growth of our club and become involved in our newly opened Private Forum and Private Chatroom? Are you someone who wishes to take part in Events such as Inter Club events/tournaments/leagues? Our Tournament Manager Jim runs a wide and varied programme including uneven lies.
Craven Dale also has a Private Poker Room for Saturday evenings as a change from golf operates from 9pm. We also have a BRAND NEW WEBSITE created by out new Technical Director.
Your level or tier are not important but we do NOT want:
Players only looking to play solo rounds
Players only looking for free shot pal and putter pal
Players looking to find a date, or girlfriend
Players not wiling to interact
Players who are only available during Bank Holidays and Christmas
You may apply directly through WGT by requesting to join the club OR you can use our direct email links on our new Website
In our aim to vet members from now on, you may be asked to play a game with a Director before admission to the club.
Sue (Owner)
Mike (Director)
Ian (Director)
Bill (Director)
Jim (Tournament Manager)