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Can I get my money back, please?

Mon, Feb 14 2011 6:08 PM (16 replies)
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  • Covenant
    1,498 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 3:34 AM

    In the normal, not virtual world its custom that when a product does not work right you get a new product or your money back.

    WGT is a wonderfull product where many people have a lot of fun playing a game that is so true to real golf, at least the grafics are and that last makes the game so beautyfull in comparison fi with the Tiger Woods golfgame.

    But the product is still beta, so still in development and we are expecting some glitches here and ther.

    However, there is 1 glitch that is here, so it seems, from the beginning and some how WGT is unable to fix it. It is so bad that even a prase is made up here to describe it: you got metered.

    Its a fault, an error in the game that not only is just an annoyance to the players, but its also a very costly glitch for the members, because often through the meterglitch balls get out of bounce, so you lose equipment. And with the new very expensive balls, thats not just a few pennies, but right away a dollar.

    In the great scheme of things that sounds not like a big deal, but after a few times losing balls that way, its gonna be an expensive matter for us, players.


    I just played a game and on the 16th hole, my meter just stopped way early, the ball went left and rolled just out of bounce. I want my money back for that ball, thats the 100 credit one, back please. And I will be generous and not asking more, because due to that technical failure of the game,it set me back a few strokes and I will be placed lower, losing also money that way


    But the ultimate question of course is: why are we still getting metered so many times?

  • Chethis
    4 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 4:31 AM

    If you're really concerned about the balls costing you money, don't buy the 100 credit balls! That's the risk/reward of the balls with the good stats: they cost money and you will occasionally lose a few. How many strokes has it saved you by getting extra distance, spin, and control? Probably more than the 2 stroke penalty an OB shot cost you..

  • CharlieBum
    46 Posts
    Wed, Feb 9 2011 1:11 PM


    If you're really concerned about the balls costing you money, don't buy the 100 credit balls! That's the risk/reward of the balls with the good stats: they cost money and you will occasionally lose a few. How many strokes has it saved you by getting extra distance, spin, and control? Probably more than the 2 stroke penalty an OB shot cost you..

    I believe your missing the point.  When you pay for something, like the balls, you expect to be able to use them until they either run out or you loose one on your own.  I have been metered before and lost a ball or two.  I have also been in a ready-go tournament to have the ball freeze up on screen.  I asked for my $$$ back so that I could participate in another tournament to never receive a response.   If my cell phone doesn't work, I take it to VZW to fix it.  If my golf doesn't work, I expect atleast a response from someone since I am a CUSTOMER.  I won't spend another dime until I get the credits that I spent my money on returned.

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 1:36 PM

    charlie... this game is a play-at-your own risk game.. that has a completely free option.. it is solely up to you whether you want to invest (risk) money on it.. the admins themselves post a minimum and suggested requirements list.. as well as admit there seems to be a consistant meter glitch and have done just about everything they can from their end to fix it.. short of upgrading their servers to the max possible (which can get costly)...


    on another note.. 99% of the time the meter glitches are due to 5 things.. that are completely at your control and are up to you whether you invest money IN THEM... these are as follows...

    1. a high speed multi-core processor.. having one will allow your computer to both process the gui of the game as well as the motion captures at high rates of speed with very little to no latency.

    2. speed of your isp... different isp's have different types of internet service including but not limited to high speed broadband, bossted high speed broadband, t1, t3, dial up, dsl, boosted dsl, wireless broadband... upgrading your isp to a faster more online game friendly speed or carrier will help aid your meter problems..

    3. amount of RAM... I know the game suggests having 2GB of Ram to run properly.. but this is in fact more of a minimum than anything.. if you want the best out of your performance, then you have to pay for it.. therefore i suggest going with 4 to 8 GB alongside the multi-core processor for best results.

    4. Video Card... I'm willing to bet most people who play this game are running the base video card that came with their computer stock... while this is capable of running the game on most new computers just fine.. you will still have issues.... your best case scenario is to purchase an aftermarket video card (which they make some specifically for online gaming with better latency parameters) that has a minimum of 1GB of RAM built into the card.

    5. Browser you use... most ppl have found that using the Google Chrome browser seems to have the best performance when it comes to latency based against firefox and internet explorer... I can attest personally that internet explorer is the worst possible with firefox being slightly better for load times but chrome being better for meter smoothness.. this is dependant though on the other 4 items listed above and how they interact with your specific hardware.


    So in reality the choice is up to you.. would you prefer to use your money to upgrade these items in your computer to improve your game performance.. that could possibly pay for themselves over time (not from wgt of course since you cant actually earn anything from it).. 

    or do you want to take that money and instead buy balls that you may ultimately lose due to meter glitches..

    thats the plain hard facts...

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 5:05 PM

    .. the admins themselves post a minimum and suggested requirements list.. as well as admit there seems to be a consistant meter glitch and have done just about everything they can from their end to fix it.

    Nick, maybe you missed the latest post by WGTAdmin2, WGT is working on solutions to improve the meter performance.

    The meter performance is affected by a multitude of variables and affects every player differently due to their location, internet service provider, computer, what is installed on the computer and the settings on the computer/ browser.
    We are working on several solutions which will make the meter more consistent or perform smoother in more conditions but we do not have a simple or catchall solution that we can release. We do and will continue to seek solutions.

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 7:26 PM

    andy... maybe you dont realize that WGT likes to put up smoekscreens to solve small solutions and have no honest solution to the main problem..


    the main problem being THERE IS NO REAL WAY to improve meter speeds on a wide-spread basis since everybody uses a completely different setup of the specifications i described and that by trying to improve on one groups performance you completely screw up anothers... unless every wgt player was using the exact same setup all WGT can do is try to patch up coding here and there to help on a widespread basis.. meaning theres still going to be ALOT of ppl with problems..


    I can guarantee you 60% of the wgt playerbase doesnt know enough about computer systems and hardware setups to understand how the interaction between the wgt servers... flash... and the users computer actually works and that by one thing being out of touch from the others youre going to have problems.


    So whatever "solutions" there going to be implementing are only going to help a meager few while possibly making current users that dont have problems.. begin to have problems.. and then youll see those players start complaining.. and theyll try to patch things up for those.. which in turn will mess up the original complainers again and it will be a never ending cycle unless all players are all running relatively the same systems...

    and you can quote me on that one.

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 8:00 PM

    To answer the original question.


  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 8:02 PM


    To answer the original question.


    or this...

    although usually an answer that simple only brings more whining out lol

  • Sanco
    1,345 Posts
    Mon, Feb 14 2011 3:39 PM

    A simple question to you then Nick: Why do you keep on reading, and taking the time to answer, posts you flatly label as whining?

    And I want to follow that question with another ( I know, my wife tells me the same thing you are thinking right now Nick): Is your freedom of expression more pronounced than that of other users, or is it just your perception? :))

    Ok, I'll shut up now ;)

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Mon, Feb 14 2011 4:05 PM

    I keep reading sanco for one reason and one reason only.. im hoping that one day the people who just dont quite understand the way the world works.. will one day wake up and join us on the dark side... where you have to scratch out a meaningless existence and fill voids of boredom with things like answering whine posts ;)

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