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Same score

rated by 0 users
Wed, Feb 9 2011 7:34 AM (5 replies)
  • Kruba
    5 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 12:01 PM




    Why am I second?

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Feb 5 2011 2:30 PM





    Why am I second?


    I suspect it's due to tiebreaker rules.


  • Lisa03
    5,910 Posts
    Wed, Feb 9 2011 4:29 AM

    Tie Breaker for 1st place WGT--Identical scorecard? Early entrant wins.

    How are ties handled?

    In the event of a tie, the better scoring entrant between or among the tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final nine (9) holes of the Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final six (6) holes for such Game.  If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest combined score for the final three (3) holes for such Game. If any ties remain, the better scoring entrant between or among the remaining tied entrants will be the entrant with the lowest score for the 18th  hole (9th for nine hole games)  in such Game, and any remaining ties will be determined by identifying the lowest scoring entrant for each individual game hole, in sequence from 17th (8th for nine hole games) through to 1st, as is necessary to determine a winner, and if any ties remain at that point, the earlier-submitted entry between or among the tied entries will be deemed the better scoring entry.

    If multiple people tie for a place, the percentages for those places will be added up and divided by the number of people who tied for the place. For example, if three people tie for 2nd place, the percentages for 2nd, 3rd and 4th place will be totaled up and divided by three. Each player would receive the same amount. 5th place will then get the correct 5th place percentage.

  • ncviz
    527 Posts
    Wed, Feb 9 2011 4:57 AM

    I know this is probably an old and tired argument, but....

    These general tiebreakings rules have NEVER made any sense. It can't be too difficult for WGT to determine a handicap of each hole is based on the scores of the players.

    I will give you a perfect example... SA Front, one could birdie the first 3 holes, then birdie all but 1 of #4 thru 9, and say the last 3 were birdied. Well someone can come behind and birdie everything but #2. They would win the tiebreaker b/t the 2 scores of 28.

    Now which hole do you consider the hardest, personally think #2 is one of the harder holes on any of the courses. However in this instance the player that birdied it was the loser.

    I understand everyone plays under the same rules and should know what they are, blah, blah. But with the introduction of players playing from different tees but the same tourneys, this should have been looked at and modified. Just my 2 cents...

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Wed, Feb 9 2011 6:50 AM

    Got to somewhat agree with ncviz; the stroke indexes we have are calculated (not 100% exact for reasons I won't go into) on scores by real golfers on the real golf course.  They have a multitude of pins and the indexes are worked out over many rounds.  For WGT there are only one or two pin placements.  STA #2 front pin position is very tough and does make it one of the harder holes to birdie.

    So, if WGT have a record of scores on each hole over the 100m rounds, they could probably set more accurate stroke indexes for WGT.

    But are we getting too technical here???

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Wed, Feb 9 2011 7:34 AM

    It's just one of those silly archaic rules that golf has. It's time the whole book was re-written.