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Stuttering Meter is back again

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jan 18 2016 2:39 PM (5 replies)
  • Arrons1977
    144 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2016 7:04 AM

    Well it's that time of year when the stuttering and jerky meter returns. And don't even go there with the comments about cleaning my history, temp files and cache or even changing browsers. My meter has been stuttering and jerking for the last week or so. I can clear adobe cache out and reload my browser and it seems to work for a game, And it is back to it's old tricks again. I adjusted  the Adobe flash player setting to the maximum setting and when I reload it goes back to default setting. On top of all the, we can't play a single alt shot game with out 2 or more disconnects and or unexpected error or the blue screen. It appears this site does not care about the performance of the game or addressing the problems, but would rather add more ignorant sounds like " that's in the garden spot". Just fix the game and leave that crap out of the game. 

  • Schlieffen99
    225 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2016 8:29 AM

    My resources (IT people will understand this) go through the roof after a few holes, particularly when putting (look at your Windows Task Manager) and even if reasonable resources are being used, it's just up and down when you try to hit that crucial putt (and then miss it). IT people from WGT, why should my resources increase constantly when I'm not even playing a shot? Why does it continue and continue? Don't you know how to free memory allocation? This should have been leant in first year University level information technology, grwww....

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2016 10:18 AM

    you guys aren't alone, my meter is terrible today too.

  • skccvb
    799 Posts
    Thu, Jan 14 2016 12:09 PM

    Ever since a random update last Fall- the game gobbles my RAM until it is at 99%- then skips on a crucial I have to monitor resources, and restart a couple times per 9 holes...and yes the meter is erratic more often than smooth...

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2016 12:20 PM

    Memory Leak

    A jerky meter usually indicates your computer's CPU is to busy to play the meter graphic smoothly on your computer. There are many things you can check/do at your end to aid having a smooth meter. Smooth meter - Optimizing your Windows computer

    Many players monitor their CPU performance during the swing and only start their downswing when the CPU is least busy. My CPU is usually at about 5% or less of it's total performance capability. I have a PC so I monitor my CPU performance using Task Manager.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2016 2:39 PM

    Pentium 7, 12 gb ram, lightspeed internet, etc

    I have tried all fixes, my CPU is about 5-10% and my meter is not smooth as it was 1.5 year ago and since 2010.

    I have accepted that the awesome smooth meter I used to have is gone forever....choppy & annoying meter now but playable.
