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WGT inability to post truthfully

Mon, Jan 14 2019 1:41 AM (31 replies)
  • example3
    1 Posts
    Sun, Jan 24 2016 10:15 AM

    Has anyone else noticed that WGT filters honest negative opinions about products and clubs? I recently purchased an Anser 2 putter level 75, and I hate the putter, I purchased the club based on player reviews posted. I tried submitting my own truthful negative review over a week ago, but it was not selected, and not posted. 

    It is UNFAIR WGT to hide honest reviews about your products. Change this policy.


    Example 3.


  • robertwalters
    68 Posts
    Sun, Jan 24 2016 12:32 PM

    yes i gave a bad review and it did not get posted either

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sun, Jan 24 2016 12:32 PM

    I think you are referring to the level 72, not 75.  At any rate, a putter is a very personal preference...many people swear by the Nike models, I prefer the Versa...some still use the starter putter and sink everything with it. 

    I checked the specs on the Anser and it has only 2 dots for forgiveness..I would have immediately passed on this one, as I am not a strong putter...If a person can regularly ding a putt, the Anser may be a good fit as it is high on precision. 

    You now own the club, so you should try to get used to it....who knows?

    As an aside, a friend of mine bought a putter and I asked him why he chose that particular model, He said it was because the people who used one, often beat him...interesting way to choose a putter, but he is a Champion tier now....sooo

    To your specific point, a lot of companies "selectively choose" how to market, or what to publish. I once saw a commercial for Red Lobster, went in to eat, and the shrimp were less than half the size they appeared on TV....buyer beware, I guess.

  • hpurey
    11,516 Posts
    Sun, Jan 24 2016 5:54 PM

    I rarely get any of my reviews to show up.   I don't pay too much attention to the reviews anyway as I know the ones that would help my decision will most likely not be chosen to show up.


    What I started doing is checking the reviewers profile to see if they are still using the item that they raved about in their review.   90% of the time I'd say they no longer use the item or even find a few that aren't even the correct level to be using the item that they reviewed in the first place LOL.


    If you find something you are interested in, use the search box in the forums and search for the item and see what comes up.  You may find a lot of results are complaints or you may not find many results at all.  I honestly think that if you find very few results then the item is probably good as most people would go out of the way to complain about something before they would to praise something.  


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Jan 25 2016 3:03 PM

    It's a matter of sheer numbers, too. Only up to five reviews get published. Even if only 10,000 players worldwide are using a particular product and only one out of a hundred of those people reviewed it the chances of being published amount to a one in 20 chance.

    Negative reviews get published occasionally; there is one on a driver right now that has been there since 2010. I imagine review publishing is more of a seldomly updated random selection than censorship.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Jan 25 2016 3:19 PM

    It's a matter of sheer numbers, too. Only up to five reviews get published. Even if only 10,000 players worldwide are using a particular product and only one out of a hundred of those people reviewed it the chances of being published amount to a one in 20 chance.

    Well, here's my experience. I've submitted 5 product reviews. Four of the five were published. The only one that didn't was a review that was part positive and part negative.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Jan 25 2016 4:16 PM

    I have submitted a few reviews and have never seen them published.

    Most are pretty old and are seldom updated (if at all).

    I do not read the reviews for that reason and if anyone wants a fair review/appraisal of any club, ask the forum.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Jan 25 2016 4:55 PM


    I have submitted a few reviews and have never seen them published.

    Most are pretty old and are seldom updated (if at all).

    I do not read the reviews for that reason and if anyone wants a fair review/appraisal of any club, ask the forum.

    I fully agree...and to be honest, equipment purchases have to be a personal decision ...the balls and clubs have specs which are easily viewed, as well as the price (in US dollars) and what tier you have to be to purchase them. Some folks like slow meters, some like fast meters, some like heavy spin, or not so much spin, etc. 

    The one thing that is generally considered important when purchasing clubs is for them to have a high trajectory.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Jan 25 2016 5:06 PM

    I have found you can't go wrong with a starter ball. They seem to last forever. I have never lost one and they work as well as any I have played. But then, I don't play that well.

  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Mon, Jan 25 2016 7:18 PM

    I always check the equipment of the reviewer. 9 times out of 10 the player never has that club equipped.

    I was looking at the Level 103 R1 driver and checked out the reviews and the players who gave positive reviews were not even at level 103. They made assumptions based on the performance of  the lower level R1s.


    You are better off asking other players that you know how good equipment is. Also check out the stats of those players. If someone is making claims that their game was saved with a certain club make sure the stats support the claim. Some people only talk a good game