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Wed, Jan 27 2016 8:18 PM (6 replies)
  • Mothy123
    445 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 12:48 AM


    Hi everyone, thanks for all the suggestions and ideas you contribute. We read these forums every day, and we wanted to acknowledge the common features and improvements our players have asked for.

    You say to check the existing suggestions before making a suggestion but then here you say "acknowledge the common features" which implies multiple people have to suggest a feature before you'll look at it.
    Two suggestions:
    1. Ability to display scorecards of previous rounds
      - this would require little extra space as it is already saved for countbacks 
    2. Ability to get an "unplayable lie" option programmed ... even if it means your using just stroke and distance as the only option.  It's better than taking 4 strokes to get out of an unplayable lie situation!
  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 9:04 AM

    There are no unplayable lies in the game.

    If you need 4 strokes to get out of the rough, you're doing it wrong!

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 10:29 AM

    I beg to differ: There are a few lies where you won't advance by whacking forward. KIA #2 comes to mind - after crossing the first fairway, you have to hit backwards to the path to have a chance. At Whistler, there's a spot behind a stone, and the deep roughs at Merion are legendary. They have in common that knowledge and practice are necessary to get out. OTOH, you might lose so many strokes that you might as well quit the round in solo play.

    I agree, a repeat shot would be nice, and they have implemented it already as a Mulligan. Still, I don't think they will modify it - it would wake the wish for more extras...

    And, as a last resort, you can always putt until the max. strokes are reached - only a few strokes lost instead of a few balls!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 11:32 AM

    I beg to differ: There are a few lies where you won't advance by whacking forward. KIA #2 comes to mind - after crossing the first fairway, you have to hit backwards to the path to have a chance. At Whistler, there's a spot behind a stone, and the deep roughs at Merion are legendary.

    Yes agreed, so my point stands, there are no actual unplayable lies.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 11:45 AM

    Please don't trunctate the quote, cutting off my point.

    To me, they are unplayable in this game because you don't see the way out. Actually, you have to practice and learn each spot by it's own.

    And, the good thing behind an "unplayable ball" according to the rules of golf is, it's up to the player to decide about it.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 7:21 PM

    Ability to get an "unplayable lie" option programmed ... even if it means your using just stroke and distance as the only option.  It's better than taking 4 strokes to get out of an unplayable lie situation!

    There are no unplayable lies in the game.


    Kind of reminds me of the time I went into a local coffee shop and suggested they should have half-and-half, only to be told "We don't have half-and-half".  I gave the hostess the same reply I'm giving you, Paul.  (Duh!)

    According to the USGA and R&A rule #28 (Unplayable Lie), it is the player's discretion what is unplayable.

    Rule 28 states: "The player may deem her ball unplayable at any place on the course, except when the ball is in a water hazard. The player is the sole judge as to whether her ball is unplayable.

    If the player deems her ball to be unplayable, she must, under penalty of one stroke:

    a. Play a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played (see Rule 20-5); or

    b. Drop a ball behind the point where the ball lay, keeping that point directly between the hole and the spot on which the ball is dropped, with no limit to how far behind that point the ball may be dropped; or

    c. Drop a ball within two club-lengths of the spot where the ball lay, but not nearer the hole.".

    Mothy is suggesting WGT program in an option to use rule 28a at any time, and I agree.  

    But we all know that's never going to happen.

  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Wed, Jan 27 2016 8:18 PM


    I beg to differ: There are a few lies where you won't advance by whacking forward. KIA #2 comes to mind - after crossing the first fairway, you have to hit backwards to the path to have a chance. At Whistler, there's a spot behind a stone, and the deep roughs at Merion are legendary.

    Yes agreed, so my point stands, there are no actual unplayable lies.

    Well the region between the fairway and green on Merion #16 is quite unplayable....