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Advice for new players

Sat, May 2 2020 3:57 PM (43 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 9:11 AM

    You are sometimes better of not creaming 3 wood second shots. Use your 3 iron to put that ball in the best place.

    Along those lines, have at least 2 ways to get a particular yardage. The more options you give yourself, the easier it will be to get where you're going. :-)

  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 12:16 PM

    but the other side of the coin liam,im sure with flag left in its prevented ball from going WAY past hole also!!

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 12:38 PM

    Next topic ;


    As you play you will advance up the tiers which means moving backward on the tees . There are 4 sets of tees that you will play from .

    Easy - Hack & Amatuer

    Medium- Pro - Tour Pro

    Hard - Master & Tour Master

    Hardest - Legends , Tour Legends , Champions , Tour Champions .

    The best way to judge your clubs is to play a practice round and move further back on the tees . This will give you the chance to see how well your clubs will perform before you move back another tee . This will also allow you to work on either earning free credits or saving up your stash  to buy clubs .

    Also take into consideration the type of ball that you are playing with . Sometimes a simple ball upgrade will buy you some time before a club upgrade is needed . The bottom line is try to make your upgrades last as long as possible so as not to waste either your credits or your money .

    PICKING CLUBS - When choosing your clubs you will have to decide what works best for you . Some players like clubs with fast meters and others like slow meter clubs . But as you pick your clubs try to match them up by having the same meter speed . The best way to me is to try and build all your clubs around your irons .

    The choices in the pro shop will allow you to match your clubs up so that you will have a consistent meter speed which will also allow for a smoother meter . Meter speed is determined by numbers . The lower the number the faster the meter speed . So a meter speed of 3.0 is faster than 3.5 . or 3.5 is a slower meter than 3.0 . So again the lower the number the faster the meter .

    WEDGES- The rule for picking wedges is simple . Start with your pitching wedge and space your wedges 15 -20 yards apart  working backward . Most players will ditch the hybrid club and use a 3 wedge combo to make their short game deadly . Try to match the meters to your irons when possible .

    BALLS- When choosing a ball the most expensive ball may not be the best ball for you .Lower level clubs will not perform better with a more expensive ball . A prime example ; you wont play better using a nike ball with starter clubs . The clubs wont allow it , so low level clubs require lower level balls . Also when picking a ball the most important factor is what are you trying to do . You can get a decent ball to play with starting around 60 credits a sleeve .

    Once you get to where you can upgrade to the higher level clubs I would suggest to stay with the WGT line of balls until at least L58+ and then upgrade to a better ball line .

  • AlexBorgesjr
    1,305 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 1:11 PM

    Great advice... would look nice in our country club forum for new players.. like tour pro's. and your right stay with wgt balls as long as you can, I still use the wgt g12 ball, and it's the best ball in the game for the price, like you said around 60 cent a sleeve. great advice..Alex

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 1:13 PM


    The best way to judge your clubs is to play a practice round and move further back on the tees This will give you the chance to see how well your clubs will perform before you move back another tee

    I did just this thing as I got closer to the average needed for Legend, while as a TM.  Playing from the tips is a big difference.  By playing from them early, it wasn't quite the shock when I got moved to them.  Already had the clubs, except driver was the same model, just a tad shorter distance, but what a different learning curve with the greater distance.

    This can apply to any tee change.  The views are awsome when the tees change.  The traps that you used to sail over, now you have to shoot around.

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 2:27 PM

    Great stuff here.

    I don't know how much it will help a new player, but it was a real revelation for me early on, that in order to make any sense of the putting green dots, one must have some pretty close idea of how long it's going to take the putt to reach the hole. Way back, I spent the better part of a week just putting back and forth on #1 Kiawah. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 2:58 PM

    Wow - great advice, little to add:

    Don't fall for the big guns too soon - think about a 3WD as an early and budget enhancement of your bag! Until Master, life may be splendid without a driver!

    And, don't look down on the Starter putter too soon. It's quite a good club, minus it's balance. You may have plenty to improve with your putting skills until you overcome it!
    (My rule of thumb: No putter below 500 cr!)

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Tue, Feb 2 2016 3:40 PM

    Clear flash cache

    If I can add this ,,  I clean the browser and junk from flash but only remove WGT after a update , The one thing I found when the game ran funny for me was to do a " Disk clean "  ( not a defrag ) ,  I found if I do that every day I have little to no problems with the game or the swing meter . 

    And one more thing for the new player ,,   Start a game Finish the game , Post the score no matter what with Pride . 


  • jjjj035
    15 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 3:10 PM

    "Most players will ditch the hybrid club and use a 3 wedge combo to make their short game deadly ."

    I found this too. The hybrid, so useful in the real game, seems orphaned in WGT. When I grow up (to level 90) that set of RSi2's should take care of any hybrid need I ever had, correct?

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Feb 3 2016 4:08 PM

    When I grow up (to level 90) that set of RSi2's should take care of any hybrid need I ever had, correct?

    Yup between your 3 wood and the 3 iron in that set,  anything your hybrid could do will be covered.