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Advice for new players

Sat, May 2 2020 3:57 PM (43 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 11:16 AM

    This isn't supposed to be the A to Z of how to play WGT well, just a few things I've learned during my time here that may be of help to those starting out and finding the game frustrating at times.

    In no particular order.

    Clear flash cache.  Of all the possible combinations of any three words these are probably the ones most used here.  But, just because an answer is very often the same does not make it a stupid one.  Quite the contrary, it's said so often because it's true.  I would advise all players to have this site bookmarked and to delete at least once a week.

    Drop the hybrid and get 3 wedges.  This is vital if you want to score as well as you can.  Once you have a decent set of irons you'll find the 3 iron hits as far as your hybrid which makes it redundant.  Get a 64 degree wedge and 2 others that fill the gap between this and the PW supplied with your iron set.

    Get high loft irons.  High loft means the ball is landing on the green at a steeper angle and will stop better, generally a good thing.  Some roll out will be helpful at times but you can control this by adjusting the spin applied.  High loft will allow you to do either, low loft clubs will often rob you of any chance to play darts.

    Learn the short game.  Especially the punch shot with your wedges, it really is like having three extra clubs in your bag.  Whether you also use pitch, flop or chip is a personal choice.  I almost never flop and really never chip but know many people who swear by the flop shot, each to their own.  The main thing is to be confident of getting down in 2 from just off the green.

    Find a ball you like and use it all the time.  This may not apply to those on a very tight budget but I think there's no point in working on your game in practice rounds if you use a different ball to the one you then use for rounds that count.  You don't have to use top dollar balls, I play with the 250 credit Cally and it works a treat, mostly because I usually know how far it's going to go and how it will react when it lands. 

    Accept the little quirks the game has.  And some of the big ones.  There are several things that can easily catch you out, if you know about them you can watch out and hopefully won't get bitten. These include:

    You're on the green and have a putt that needs a different meter to the one you're given.  You change the meter.  Then, you use pitch view to check the break of the putt.  When you go back to putt you are automatically given the original meter again, I've been caught by this a few times.

    You have a putt from the fringe.  The caddy will probably give you a 150 foot scale, even if the putt is 10 feet.  Change scale and smack him with your 3 wood.

    That same idiot caddy will also suggest you chip out of rough if you're very close to the green.  Apparently he's never played golf.  Or watched you do so.  Never, ever chip out of the rough.  Unless you like doing it because you'll be faced with exactly the same shot next.

    There are also quirks we can do nothing about:

    One annoying thing I've noticed is approach shots to greens with an uphill slope.  If you land short the ball will spin back, damn near every time.  If you land a bit long the ball will run on.  BPB #13 and St. Andrews #11 are good examples of this.  Try not to let this get your blood pressure up.

    Your shots are not going to go where you expect them to, even when you do everything right and hit the ding.  There is some variation built into the game, there has to be.  If not it would become boring within a short space of time.

    I've no doubt there will be many other suggestions as to how you can get the most out of the game, this is just a collection of my thoughts.  I don't claim to know everything about the game, probably nobody really does, if this helps one person save one shot during a round or have more fun playing then I'll be well happy.

    And hopefully you will too, this game is a lot of fun.  If you let it be.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 11:57 AM

    Yes this game is just like the real thing . It is the most aggravating game that you will ever enjoy playing . Although we call this a game it is actually a simulator and it incorporates all of the variables of golf . Whatever you see happen in a real golf tournament you can and will see happen here as well .

    Good shots, bad shots, great shots and most importantly god awful shots as well . But no matter the shot you hit you can still have fun but you cant throw your clubs in the water . You can however curse, scream, throw things, vent and release all of your frustrations in the privacy of your home .

    Whatever you do dont throw your tablet or phone in anger . Also dont pound on your computer . These options are very expensive and costly . Remember this is only a game and it is meant to be played with enjoyment . So play well, have fun and meet and make new friends . Most importantly never swing with your eyes closed . :-)

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 12:16 PM

    It is special to see two excellent posts back to back. I agree 100% with each, especially the advice to pick - up a third wedge and learn a short game. I cheat a little by carrying 4 wedges. ~SP~

  • 111joey
    151 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 12:32 PM

    Very good post here.



  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 12:35 PM



    Your shots are not going to go where you expect them to, even when you do everything right and hit the ding.  There is some variation built into the game, there has to be.  If not it would become boring within a short space of time.



    All of the above is very good information.  Something to add.  Learn when to pull the pin.  On green it is not necessary as the game plays like it is not there.  On fringe and approaches it is and the ball can and will sometimes bounce off of it.  If you didn't know, needs to be pulled before the shot to actually be pulled.

    The part I quoted maybe can be explained this way.  I golf, not well, but I do.  I don't take divots, my stroke is to sweep the ground.  How many of us have taken practice swings, just sweeping the grass.  We step up to the ball and chunk it(hit the ground) or top it.  Or hit with a closed or open face.  Ball goes nowhere even close to our aim, or nowhere near the distance we expected.  If that is what is build into the game, might explain some of the shots we see.

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 2:37 PM


    Yes this game is just like the real thing . It is the most aggravating game that you will ever enjoy playing . Although we call this a game it is actually a simulator and it incorporates all of the variables of golf . Whatever you see happen in a real golf tournament you can and will see happen here as well .

    Good shots, bad shots, great shots and most importantly god awful shots as well . But no matter the shot you hit you can still have fun but you cant throw your clubs in the water . You can however curse, scream, throw things, vent and release all of your frustrations in the privacy of your home .

    Whatever you do dont throw your tablet or phone in anger . Also dont pound on your computer . These options are very expensive and costly . Remember this is only a game and it is meant to be played with enjoyment . So play well, have fun and meet and make new friends . Most importantly never swing with your eyes closed . :-)

    So in real life you see a blue screen, a white screen, & you get disconed??  If I didn't understand, they many sorry's.

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 3:07 PM

    Great advice from everyone. Also, find a putter with the increments you like and stick with that type putter. When you have the opportunity play with people who are further alone in the game than you are.  Enjoy.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 3:19 PM

    Like real golf, if you are in the thick stuff after wayward drive, then take the medicine and play out onto the fairway with your wedge......dont be thinking a 3 or 4 iron will get you there.


  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 4:28 PM


    Like real golf, if you are in the thick stuff after wayward drive, then take the medicine and play out onto the fairway with your wedge......dont be thinking a 3 or 4 iron will get you there.


    Yep, the bird is not gonna happen, don't let the par become a bogey.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2016 4:39 PM

    A great post MM, and I hope new players take heed.

    Great info with a practical viewpoint.

    Oh congrats on Champ wonder I get ignored now!