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Practice Putting/Driving

rated by 0 users
Mon, Feb 14 2011 5:33 PM (4 replies)
  • Skootch
    1 Posts
    Thu, Feb 10 2011 11:10 AM
    Are there any plans to put a practice putting green or driving range on the site. It would be much easier to learn putting distances and control around the greens if you can practice putting over and over without driving and chipping in between. Just a suggestion, otherwise I LOVE the site!
  • glowsmi
    2 Posts
    Thu, Feb 10 2011 12:45 PM

    I second Skootch's suggestion/remarks.  It would also be nice to be able to replay a hole for practice purposes instead of starting or finishing the round.

  • Noobingalltheway
    222 Posts
    Thu, Feb 10 2011 1:11 PM

    Many people have suggested this before but so far, nothing has been heard of...

    I think the best idea I've seen is to have a putting Blitz game (i.e., exactly the same as a Blitz, but with putting only)

    Another idea that they could incorporate would be a driving distance/aiming game....i.e. another Blitz type game, but instead of aiming for the pin, you aim to hit either a certain yardage (it would teach people that drives don't HAVE to be hit full power), or to aim for a certain spot on the fairway

    If anyone has ever played the golf game on Wii Sports, then something similar to the target practice on there might be a good idea...


  • TopFlite7
    342 Posts
    Thu, Feb 10 2011 4:05 PM

    Is there a way to directly contact WGT with these thoughts? I know there are moderators that read posts on this forum . Hey Mods any help?

  • glowsmi
    2 Posts
    Mon, Feb 14 2011 5:33 PM


    FYI - I recently checked out the "Player Suggestion List" link (see under FAQs to the right) and, lo-and-behold, there's a list of some really good suggestions WGT compiled from users including those mentioned above.  Also the apparent WGT web design guru, "WGTalex", covers some of the options that may, or may not be included in future versions of the game.

    Hope this helps.