Actually, I prefer JaLaBar. It's why I chose the name. It's a hybrid of my first, middle, and last names. Only name I have ever used here, this being the only account I have ever used here. Just started a week ago.
I assume by this post there are a number of people who masquerade as others to flame anonymously or other less-than-savory issues. I assure you I am not one, nor will I be. I have a life, and better things to do than stir the pot on this board. Like, play golf. But I do browse the boards occasionally, and while looking for an answer to the issue of the missing 'Sell equipment' button, I found this thread. I would also prefer to not recieve gifts if I so choose, and think a 'Decline' button would be a good idea.
My post was intended to reassure Boots that, despite the unfriendly nature of some of the posts directed her way, she comes across as a good-natures, nice person, and not to let the post get to her. Some of the doubts and questions about her posts were reasonable, but there are ways to express those questions without being insulting and derisive, There were some posts that did that, and some that did not.
Specifically, the second part was directed at those that started with insulting and derisive, rather than express their doubts initially in a courteous and respectful way. Hiding behind a computer screen does not in any way excuse anyone from treating their fellow human being with that courtesy and respect unless they have done something tp merit otherwise. Boots initial posts didn't come close to meeting the standard deserving of the insults and derisive disrespect she received.
Show me where she called anyone a moron, or anything of that nature, which was just one of the things that others called her.
As for crossing the street to avoid me... *shrugs* Your loss.
Have a nice day.