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Decline of gift & Donation of Equipment

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 23 2012 5:50 PM (111 replies)
  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Sat, Jul 16 2011 10:43 PM

    Actually, Boots, the 'he' they are referring to is me, I believe.  Apparently, some people still are miffed that I defended you. 

    As for the 69 I shot at BPB my third day, I was level 15 at the time.  I spent three days practicing, enough to have leveled 15 levels before I played it. I also had upgraded my clubs to the Tour Pro Plus clubs.  I think that round was the first full round I played after I upgraded.  Those clubs are quite advanced for level 6.  I had also played 10 years of video golf extensively, and 25 years of real golf.  I didn't need to learn to read wind or greens, didn't need to know what clubs to select for what shot, as this game is fairly true to reality in those things. I also had played the Black several times in real life (which helps there, but didn't do squat for me at Congressional).  Yeah, I made a 26 foot putt.  Until yesterday, the longest putt I had ever made was 42'.  I still am only a good putter in streaks.  Yesterday, I had 10 putts on the back 9 of RSG, including my new long, a 62 footer.  I also shot a 33 in a Kiawah RG that would have been a 31 if I hadn't 3 putted from 10' on the 4th hole.  BPB is my favorite course, and prior to yesterday, my top 2 non-RSG 18s were both 62s at BPB.

    So, that 69 at BPB came on my third day here, period.  I had never been to the site before that, in any incarnation.

    it took me a few weeks to break 70

    Not sure what you are trying to say here... I am sure I am probably one of thousands that scored better than you faster than you.  Don't beat yourself up over it, you seem to have gotten much better.  In fact, I see you shot a 64 at Congressional.  My best yet at Congressional is 66.  You must be truly gifted.


  • SkeeterZ71
    171 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 12:03 AM

    She should change her name to lardnfatass. Then she will quit getting gifts.

  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 4:25 AM


    Someone has there knickers in a twist, my post is in response to the 5 previous posts and has nothing to do with you whats so ever, so it might me time to get off your high horse and follow the thread a little closer. 

    No actually I knew you were not talking about me because I have never shot a 70 or less because I am still learning how to play. But, just as I wanted, you came to this forum and admitted that you were just "STIRRING THE POT " trying to see if you could fullfill your pathetic life with some type of entertainment since obviously playing golf doesn't seem to work for you ( by the looks of your average and length of time you have been on this site) So you took up being a Forum Troll and checking to see what mischief you could stir.

    Let me show you how arrogant you are: You had the rudeness to come in this thread and tell me to follow the thread a little closer and you are the one responding 3 months later. Now if that ain't the pot calling the kettle black ! HAHAHAHA

    So listen up Little Forum Troll, and I say little based on the fact that you came into this forum and just proved that your IQ was less then your foot size, DO NOT COME to my profile page and leave any messages. If you do from this day forward I will consider it an act of harassment which I am guaranteed the right to be free from with my terms of service agreement with WGT and I will report you and keep reporting you until they have exhausted excuses and are forced to take action against you.

    Furthermore, I suggest the next time you are bored and feel like stirring up the pot to get some action in your life that you find a constructive way to channel that energy or make d.a.m.n sure you pick a topic that does not involve my name in it.

    Last but not least : Knickers in a twist ? That's just another assumption on your part that I even wear them. 

    Now man up and buy some balls and use this site for what it was designed for : PLAY GOLF !






  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 4:33 AM


    Actually, Boots, the 'he' they are referring to is me, I believe.  Apparently, some people still are miffed that I defended you. 

    I already knew that but I owed you one and so I jumped ..... I just wanted him to openly admit that he was Forum Trolling and he stepped right into it and admitted it but the cherry to it all was he got arrogant about it lol. 

    Blow it off and go get that last point you need to qualify...yer on the edge so push it and make it happen !


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 8:32 AM

     You might need to follow the post before mine and the 4 before that, game on...wankydim   and i can't wait.

    LMAO. Little late on your reading or did it take you that long to understand those "4 before mine?" Oh, I know-it's the instigation thing. Forgot.

    p.s., Stay off my wall. You have been served notice.  :-)

    P.s.s., You have no game.



  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 10:58 AM

    Just happened across this thread.. what a corker!

    Having played with Bootsie I can assure all and sundry that she is one of the most spirited,pleasant and competitive players on the site.

    Be that as it may,I'm thinking that maybe a new WGT option: to accept or decline the putt.. might be of even more benefit to us all in the long run rather than just the mere ability to reject or accept the offer of someone's balls or whatnots.

    Get 'em,gift 'em,hit 'em,putt 'em,whack ' 'em and return 'em lol!

    You know it makes sense :0))


  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 1:07 PM


     You might need to follow the post before mine and the 4 before that, game on...wankydim   and i can't wait.

    LMAO. Little late on your reading or did it take you that long to understand those "4 before mine?" Oh, I know-it's the instigation thing. Forgot.

    p.s., Stay off my wall. You have been served notice.  :-)

    P.s.s., You have no game.



     Bring it wanky dim..and lets not forget i played you twice and beat you twice, with hundreds of rounds less experience....remember that,  it was about the same time your big mouth closed down a great CC.


  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 2:22 PM



    Actually, Boots, the 'he' they are referring to is me, I believe.  Apparently, some people still are miffed that I defended you. 

    I already knew that but I owed you one and so I jumped ..... I just wanted him to openly admit that he was Forum Trolling and he stepped right into it and admitted it but the cherry to it all was he got arrogant about it lol. 

    Blow it off and go get that last point you need to qualify...yer on the edge so push it and make it happen !


    Trolling you say, divide forum posts into days on the site...your stats against mine and keep up the barrage of insults...i love em. 


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 2:34 PM

    Bring it wanky dim


    What's a wanky dim? I told you to stay off my wall. This one goes to WGT.

    i played you twice and beat you twice,

    Get back on your meds, you're spouting nonsense again.

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Sun, Jul 17 2011 2:50 PM

    That"s it Dimmy, go running to icon. what you going to say " i keep calling griffy  childish names and he gets back to me about it " things not going your way today Dim. I can't help it if you don't like my style. Keep your sarcastic remarks away from my posts and i'll have no need to respond to them.