Actually, Boots, the 'he' they are referring to is me, I believe. Apparently, some people still are miffed that I defended you.
As for the 69 I shot at BPB my third day, I was level 15 at the time. I spent three days practicing, enough to have leveled 15 levels before I played it. I also had upgraded my clubs to the Tour Pro Plus clubs. I think that round was the first full round I played after I upgraded. Those clubs are quite advanced for level 6. I had also played 10 years of video golf extensively, and 25 years of real golf. I didn't need to learn to read wind or greens, didn't need to know what clubs to select for what shot, as this game is fairly true to reality in those things. I also had played the Black several times in real life (which helps there, but didn't do squat for me at Congressional). Yeah, I made a 26 foot putt. Until yesterday, the longest putt I had ever made was 42'. I still am only a good putter in streaks. Yesterday, I had 10 putts on the back 9 of RSG, including my new long, a 62 footer. I also shot a 33 in a Kiawah RG that would have been a 31 if I hadn't 3 putted from 10' on the 4th hole. BPB is my favorite course, and prior to yesterday, my top 2 non-RSG 18s were both 62s at BPB.
So, that 69 at BPB came on my third day here, period. I had never been to the site before that, in any incarnation.
griffygriff: it took me a few weeks to break 70
Not sure what you are trying to say here... I am sure I am probably one of thousands that scored better than you faster than you. Don't beat yourself up over it, you seem to have gotten much better. In fact, I see you shot a 64 at Congressional. My best yet at Congressional is 66. You must be truly gifted.