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Decline of gift & Donation of Equipment

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Mon, Apr 23 2012 5:50 PM (111 replies)
  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 2:40 PM



    Her post is quite easy to understand, she simply doesn't want gifts. There are some that believe, giving a "gift", carries a sense of obligation to the giftee. Perhaps this is the reason behind her logic, could be something entirely different ... who knows.

    I think it'd be a swell idea to have a "Decline Gift" button. It could be equipment or balls you wouldn't use and the credits would simply be transferred back.


    Mr. DMM, Drive ins were a blast from the past indeed, at least in my neck of the woods. Outdoor movie houses they were. Speakers latched on to your car windows and you tuned your radio to the frequency. More often than not, it turned into classic car shows, foggy windows n all lol


    But she said she didn't accept the gifts and if  there is no decline gift button how did she not accept them? I am not really sure as I have never had anyone try to gift me anything. But it stands to reason if she is requesting a decline gift button be added there is none. I have no idea if you can decline a gift or not.  

    I didn't equip and sent a message back explaining that I couldn't use the gift and for them to keep the gift but that I appreciated the thought. That's the reason I asked for a decline button because now I don't know if the people get their credits back etc.

  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 2:41 PM


    G'day Mr. Sting, i don't think a person can decline a gift. I can only assume the gift would sit in your bag collecting dust if you choose not to equip it :)

    I dunno either but I did send them back messages thanking them and asking them to keep the gift.

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 3:01 PM

    You can't "return" or "decline" a gift.. once a gift is sent it stays in the persons equipment list of who received it. There's no way to allow the gifter to keep the credits or the gift. All you can do is either use the gift or sell it back and keep the credits (about 1/4 of purchase price).

  • Switz71
    278 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 3:46 PM

    Unfortunately Boots, the gifts are unreturnable and to the best of my knowledge cannot be gifted back either. Best bet, try em out and see if they help or sell em back to WGT for minimal credits and purchase something better suited for you. WGT really leaves us no other option at this time :(

    Never any thanks needed for bringing smiles... they're much better than the alternative :)

  • Bootsnbra
    2,322 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 4:24 PM


    Unfortunately Boots, the gifts are unreturnable and to the best of my knowledge cannot be gifted back either. Best bet, try em out and see if they help or sell em back to WGT for minimal credits and purchase something better suited for you. WGT really leaves us no other option at this time :(

    Never any thanks needed for bringing smiles... they're much better than the alternative :)

    Well that's not good and no I can't use what they are sending. I am diabetic and sometimes the flashing colors or speeding things bother me. Trust me it's not a pretty sight when a girl can't hold her cookies because a meter is so fast. Previously I bought my own clubs etc., and that's when I had a bad reaction and resold my stuff. WGTSky helped get me back to basics so I could continue playing.

    As stated previously, there are implications when gifts are sent that I want no part of either.

    I'm sure WGT will address this problem considering its standard operating procedure to have a return or refund policy to be allowed to accept credit cards and paypal. They were probably way ahead of us all and we just didn't know it yet !! <smile>

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 4:51 PM

    Being diabetic has nothing to do with flashing lights or fast moving objects.. 

    Wow you are really starting to sound like a moron who's just looking for attention.. More than likely youre a 12 yr old boy with too much time on his hands...

  • borntobesting
    9,789 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 7:07 PM


    Being diabetic has nothing to do with flashing lights or fast moving objects.. 

    Wow you are really starting to sound like a moron who's just looking for attention.. More than likely youre a 12 yr old boy with too much time on his hands...

    She got her symptoms wrong. She probably read about diabetics and epilepsy at the same time trying to figure out what illness to claim  she had that would cause her to not be able to use any gifted items that had a faster meter, and got the symptoms mixed up. 

  • EnglishRosey
    733 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 9:31 PM

    What the hell is this topic? someone who wants a gift reject button and has diabetes so cant play with flashing lights or Do your research before you lie.

    Also i doubt people send you 'too many' gifts and if they do its mostly balls, who cares about reject button? they are willing to send and its a few bucks, im sure the players who send can afford. It sounds like your trying to sound noble (failing) so you receive gifts.

    Also in your history it shows you have bought loads of coloured vapour balls and people rarely send gifts unless asked. Also they go straight to your bag, you do not accept or decline,  just receive a message.

    This is nonsense, you have a peculiar method to a peculiar aim. 

  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Sat, Feb 12 2011 10:05 PM

    That was my point exactly from the get go Rosey, 

    This appears to me to be a male between the ages of 12-20 who decided that it would be in his interest to make a multi account under a female alias... then try t deploy some twisted since of reverse psychology to get some free stuff.. only to get his lies twisted and turned around and dig himself into an idiotic hole...

    atleast thats my take on it

  • andrewp7
    127 Posts
    Sun, Feb 13 2011 5:15 AM

    not interested in the motives but I do think a decline button would be a good idea...especially if someone gets gifted something they already have.